We all know who the "the man" is. That one asshole that gets in the way of your dreams. There are several assholes out there that will hinder your progress or pull the rug out from under you when you're least expecting it. He pretends to be your friend and share your same vision but when you get to the finish line and you can see victory in site, he trips you and ruins everything you have so hard for. I've been there several times and I'm sure you have too. After each time that happened to me I took notes. To defeat the asshole you have to become the asshole. You have to get in his head and find what he fears the most. Chances are he fears defeat. He fears everyone realizing he's not the man he pretends to be. He's afraid of being hated instead of loved. So how can you use this against him to get what you want? Easy. Bring his biggest enemy on your side.
Find what you want, work hard, stay focused and when you're not seeing results because someone may be holding you back, follow these steps:
- Locate your problem
- Find their weakness and fears
- Exploit them hard!
- Befriend their enemy
- Use them and their enemy against one another
- See success and enjoy
For example, I am doing this right now with 2 known enemy's that can give me what I want. I am selling a "product" that only 2 people can benefit from. I went to company 1 first because I thought they would be a better partner. They seemed to be my friend and shared the same excitement and vision as myself. But then I got an all to familiar felling. So I decided to talk to company 2, tell them company 1 and I are in the beginning phases of negotiation. So what did company 2 do? They asked me how they can get my product instead of their competitor. LOL. Success! Now both companies are fighting for my "product". Now I don't care who buys this product from me but they are now fighting over who gets it. So basically I am getting what I want a much better rate then I ever thought possible. And whoever wins will get the "product" they desperately need.
I can not specify what the "product" is or the "companies" involved but I can say this is true and is going on right now. Their egos and hatred for each other are being used to my advantage. I don't like greed, liars, or power hungry morons.
This may seem cheesy or make believe and it will not work in every situation but it's working for me and I think it's hilarious!
i like your post
Sounds like you've positioned yourself well! Good luck :)
Isn't it better to not stoop to their level? I'm not sure becoming a narcissist is a good thing.
It would be if it worked. I didn't invent the game. I'm just playing it. The problem is when there are people or organizations that only care about money and not people, nothing good benefits the community. If you want them to do something good for everyone you have to sink to their level. It sucks and I felt bad at first but then I realized the outcome is bigger than myself or their egos. What I'm doing is a win for the community, or how they look at us "little people". I know I came off like a douche bag but I just got fed up with losing and watching greed win every time.