
You are only lost for so long. Each new turn along that road you travel also provides the key to unlock new insights. The way into the future has unlimited tracks. And each time you decide (or someone decides for you) you will change tracks. Are we lost when that happens? Are we lost when we lose sight of the track we thought we would follow? Nothing is ever pre-ordained. The bricks we lay down during our time here will be the foundation of someone else's new construct. Once we let go of the linear view and see who or what we are, where past, present and future are one, then we would realize that we are immortal, since we live on within this wonderful creation.

Life is beautiful!
You are right ......

Danke für diese wunderschönen Worte und Gedanken ☄️☀️💫

Wise man speaking. True words.

thank you - sometimes I surprise myself. I thought I mine this insight and marry it with one of my rare abstract paintings and post it here:

Das sollte ein "geflügeltes Wort" werden!