Will reply later. Preparing to visit my mother in Carinthia...
Back again... Now, after reading all, also all comments so far, I can only say I feel with you. There are some differences in our life stories but a lot of it is very close. It will take me some more time to learn about you, but I see you sitting with your mom and the TV show... It is so unreal, so far from your needs and though, it‘s reality.
Me, too, I never wanted to bring heavy vibes into the world, and I do my best to spread good vibes. But there are days like in prison and I try to ignore it and there is no way to run away. But knowing that sadness (just like other negative emotions) is unhealthy I do all I can to get out of it.
Family relationships are one of the best training programs that we chose to grow. I had very hard and bitter lectures and learned to accept („it is as it is...“).
My mother and my elder son are very similar with their character and almost born on the same day in sagittarius. What I could not solve with my mother, is here again, to be experienced the other way round.
I am worried for you, however, as any permanent care is very energy consuming and you would need some days off or with other, uplifting humans... The word burnout may be wrong, but it‘s just... Our life should be balanced. We need fun, joy, time to relax. I truly wish that you find ways to care for yourself and be cautious. Maybe you can delegate some matters if your burden gets too much. I am learning... and the Steemit community is very helpful, in many ways. Hugs! 💐😀💐
For now, after reading your wonderful, heartwarming and personal comment, I send you a big HUG!
The moon threw me out of my balance for a while but as crazy as it might sound......I feel, dass ish trotzdem am richtigen Platz bin:) Es passt schon, so wie es ist. It is what it is and for a good reason! Indeed!
I just told my Mom that she was not that bad after all :) She was happy and I am even more happy that she gave me that big smile.
I had an exciting life and no regrets!
There is so much more to come but for now I have no other choice than to sit still, as hard as it is.
I might have to learn that lesson right now. I never ever sat still :)
More HUGS!!!!
Thank you for your reply. Yes, accepting... like, accepting our parents - seems harder than accepting our childrens‘ character. My mom still tells the world how disappointed she is with me. But I learned to accept her the way shr is. I am glad that I could overcome it and I still hope. I do hope for you that life will give you abundance in all what your soul is longing for. We are not born for suffering. We are born for a joyful life in abundance. But like seasons and weather conditions life isn‘t alsways sunny and mild. More HUGs to a beautiful soul, Lygia
B E A U T I F U L !!!!
I think I found a Soul Sister :)
Did you ever think that your Mom might just mirror herself somehow and just expects more from you because she couldn't fulfil her own wishes? I am not sure if she is really disappointed with you.
I have a similar situation the other way around and try to understand what went wrong but you are right .....Its easier to accept our children than our parents.
Joy is MY Motto and nothing gets me down .....not too far at least :)
Again, please allow me a break! You‘re soooo right. I‘m on the road...
So, dear @mammasitta, now I am at my destination (my mom's house) in the mountains.
Obviously you know a bit about those relationships and backgrounds... I am absolutely convinced that all family members meet to play a piece of drama together. The lectures we teach each other are not always pleasant. But who are our best trainers?... Those who we are connected with... our partners, our family...
It takes some time to realize how much we have in common with our parents - and how different we are at the same time. It takes even longer to comprehend that each of us had other conditions that formed us and that this simple fact causes misunderstandings. Nowadays, maybe, parents and children discuss more open. The generation of my parents was trained to play authorities and there was no way to question their point of view. Times are changing...
I had other next "Steemit topics" in my mind but now that we had this talk I want to write some lines about my mom. A story including a big surprise...
I love your motto. I had the motto "Never give up!" but that's old speak including two negative terms. Now I prefer saying, "Happiness is the way!"
Since I met you, I have a strong feeling, too, that we are in resonance... I am moved and very happy that I found you.
Yapppp! Here we go!
We are playing those “Dramas” until we can’t do it NOMORE, until we finally got the lesson, we had to learn.
We also carry the Family Karma on our shoulders.
Can’t wait to read your story!
I’m having some unpleasant nerve pain from too much computer work. Had to slow down a bit
Oh, sorry, relax and give your body healing! I decided to write some words about my son today and mom-story follows as soon as possible. So true again - „until we finally got the lesson“!