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RE: 6 From 3D Ego to 5D Love and balance - Spiritual Awakening and Multidimensional Reality

in #ego7 years ago

Reiki master is right - This is a process of merging body mind spirit. Each shift into the merge, raises vibration and releases old issues/emotions still within. Envision your consiousness (awareness behind the senses) wrapped around your DNA/each cell of your body but as a whole system too (DNA is a circle - not a strand) and then merge that visual with spirit/higher self (a meditation visual). It's this merge that the masters accomlished as they stepped out of fear into faith. It's a "Now" state of being (no fear/no regrets/no future worries/no insistance - just balance.). This merge is the balanced energy behind the ability to heal others. Your balanced state of being brings others into balance - if they give you verbal permission to heal. This merge begins consious awareness of awakening - Kundalini. To heal yourself - focus on this balance. Verbally say you drop karma - introduce yourself to your cells/body - express your love for your cells/body (DNA is alive and it's mostly multi-d) Upon introduction, begin instructing your cells to heal and merge with spirit (via multi-d DNA and consiousness). You will probably feel full body chills. Verbally ask higher self/spirit to help you balance. Verbally affirm that you are the highest version of yourself from time to time. Keep in touch with your body to direct and personal changes you wish to make - age slower is a good one. I say verbally because your voice must be heard by you (power of the word and all that stuff) This new energy that we are in changes the way we heal - It's more powerful, but it's time to exercise free choice to drop karma (you may or may not have any but we can drop it now - no use beyond 3D survival lessons. Request acess to the wisdom of all past lives. Drop all fear tools from all past live - affim it - say it out loud. I'll leave it at that - I will be uploading a couple of hundred recording that are on Youtube, over the next month or so. They have what I have learned - might help you to to make great strides in your pursuit of balance - Letting go is the key to all of this - Hold as few beliefs as you can, as they limit what you can experience - just allow! Fear kills the connection - if in fear/duality know that free choice is high level - decisions made in fear teach fear - decision made in balance bring balance. It's not about A or B It's about not walking in fear. The actual choice will guide you where you need to be if the choice is made with a high vibe state of being (belief/emotion/thought).


Very interesting perspective. I look forward to seeing what you have to say. I'm looking to accomplish the same enlightenment objective but most of my content hasn't been created yet. Thank you for sharing!