I enjoyed reading your random rant @mammasitta but it wasn't a rant. It was very moving and beautifully written. It was raw, from the heart with so much still unsaid. I felt pangs as I read it.
I hope that your relationship with your daughter and parents has a silver lining for you and that you find the right things to say and do at the appropriate times.
Caring for a parent can be very challenging. Good on you for doing it. You will be blessed in other ways, that's what I believe.
I'm so pleased that my post resonated with you. I'm even more pleased to met you and read this post. Thank you!
Dear @steemtruth ( I love that name, we need more of the truth indeed, even though your MLK story shocked me)
I am so thankful that I found your honest article because it gave me the courage to let go, even though I knew, that days later, I will feel lifted again and ready for those blessings.
I said it earlier in some replies that I think that the "bloody blue full moon" caught me big time and spinned my heart around but I read those past 2 days about the deep purification effect and find myself back "in control" again :)
I accept my place!
You are beautiful to find time to reply and I was a bit blushing, when you said that my thoughts moved you, even were written well. Thats a big one because I struggle with insecurities, opening up in public.
I guess it doesn't matter what language we have learnt to speak, when our soul screams "louder" than any words could do.
My pleasure meeting you too!!!