That's all there is to say... Will this unleash the true power of Steem? Will this community help me quit smoking? Will you?
I've made a special image for this purpose:
That's all there is to say... Will this unleash the true power of Steem? Will this community help me quit smoking? Will you?
I've made a special image for this purpose:
Why don't you do this. Quit smoking. Document your journey and share your experiences of quitting here on Steemit. Do that well and you may get close to achieving your goal of $1500 through upvotes.
If you don't get the upvotes at least you would have saved some cash from quitting smoking.
You may even pick up a more resourceful habit/ addiction... Steeming!
Good luck.
Are your life worth only $1500?
Go fuck yourself you greedy son of a bitch! You can smoke until your lungs rot but make everyone a favor and leave this community, go beg somewhere else your useless bag of crap.
I will begin smoking if it reaches $150 (I don't say $100 because probably my comment will)
LOL Funny
Use These Methods to Quit And you Won't Go Back!
15+ Years, tobacco free and Loving it!
Not sure if I should downvote this, or just watch what happens...
Isn't this a bit like threatening to kill yourself unless we pay you money?
I was thinking the same thing lol
I wouldn't down vote him, he just needs to learn a better way to get upvotes. We are all human and we all make mistakes, so I wouldn't be so cruel to down vote someone who is still learning how to use Steemit.
If you stop smoking you will earn $1500 per year....
plus a bonus! More life!
life more worth than smoking, so stop right now !!
Consider vaping as a way to cessation, I have seen many people successfully quit because of it.
Lol very creative
If this post gets $100 i will stop breathing
for about 10 second in shock ;)