einc The Best Platform 2018

in #einc7 years ago


ICO or Initial Coin Offering lately more incessant progress. a lot of developers are using this method to raise funds for the sake of developing their projects. The funds collected can reach millions of US dollars.

They collect funds from their Project by selling their ICO Coins, exchanged with Ethereum coin or Bitcoin in a very different ratio.

And if you want to buy Coin from their Project you must have Ethereum / Bitcoin balance and must have ID or Passport.

Today there are so many Investors from around the world who invest their money into a Project that they think Project is very good and useful for now and in the future.

Well on this occasion the Markas Coin IND will give you information on the eInc ICO Project.

Projects and Team of Projects ICO eInc are very great. And after I'm the analysis of this Project is very useful in the Future. I have also invested in this project.

If you want to find out about the eInc project. You can search for them by reading their whitepapers, roadmaps, and websites. And if you want to ask you can join their Telegram Group.

Okay before you visit the official site or read their whitepaper, it would be nice if you read a little article Markas Coin IND about the eInc Project. Let's talk about eInc Project together.


EtherInc (also referred to as eInc in short) is making DAOs a reality. eInc organizations are borderless and decentralized, just like Bitcoin, that are not limited by geographies, intermediaries and, other such artificial restrictions. The concept of distributed teams collaborating from all over the world, has gained momentum over the past few years. Working as distributed teams opens up new possibilities and avenues.

The existing organizational system work reasonably when all the parties are a part of and governed by a common organizational framework which is regulated by regulatory bodies of one jurisdiction, and are located in one jurisdiction. However, this is not the direction where the future of organizations is headed.

Traditional businesses are being replaced by resilient startup organizations where teams are no longer shackled by geographies and jurisdictions. According to a report published by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, there are more than 300 million entrepreneurs launching 150 million startups globally, each year. While this 5 number may seem impressive, only a third of these startups i.e. 50 million actually materialize, and hence benefit society in one or more ways.

Inspecting the reasons behind the failures of these new organizations, insufficient capital stands out as the most prominent factor. Organizations which fail, usually do not have the capital investment to sustain themselves for even six months, let alone the idea of turning into successful ventures.

Rationale for Forking Ethereum

eInc began as a dApp (https://www.stateofthedapps.com/dapps/einc ) on the Ethereum Blockchain. After launch, the eInc platform received several feedbacks, which revealed the inadequacies of the existing Ethereum framework more than that of the eInc dApp. For mass adoption, there were issues such as, transaction speed on ethereum was very low, gas price was too high etc., for all dApps in general, on the Ethereum Blockchain. Moreover, the scalability solutions that purported themselves as the alternatives were available at the cost of reduced decentralization. So eInc evaluated other trusted Blockchains which included Ethereum Classic and NEO among others, but eInc needed a Blockchain which had a wide range of support available to allow the user to interact with the eInc dApp easily & the developers can contribute to the eInc governance ecosystem. Moreover, NEO Blockchain operates on Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism using Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT) which is not decentralized when compared to the Bitcoin and Ethereum Blockchains. The need for a purely decentralized architecture where organisations can run and flourish without any intermediaries led eInc to commence the EtherInc Blockchain. EtherInc Blockchain offers both, decentralization as well as, higher bandwidth needed to run global organizations.

EtherInc Blockchain Nodes

EtherInc has officially launched its Mainnet and Ropsten (TEST) Networks (on Tue, 13 Feb 2018 16:21:28 +0000​) and, during Coinsale event, we will give users Mainnet ETI coins. We have launched a total of 7 nodes in Mainnet and 3 nodes in Ropsten which are mentioned as recommended in the Official EtherInc Github GETH protocol.

EtherInc Coinsale

Currency name EtherInc Coin

Currency symbol ETI

Blockchain EtherInc

Total coin supply 997,528,142 ETI

Total coins in coinsale 450,000,000 ETI

ETI price $ 0.10

Soft cap $ 1,000,000

Hardcover $ 22,000,000

The sale of Pre ICO begins on June 7, 2018

The pre ICO sale ends on June 15, 2018

The sale of ICO begins on June 25, 2018

The sale of ICO ends on July 25, 2018

EtherInc coin distribution

Why Use ETI Coins

ETI coins are the fuel of EtherInc blockchain, just like Ethereum has ETH coins as a fuel in Ethereum blockchain. The crypto-fuel for the EtherInc Blockchain, ETI coins, which form the transactional backbone of the EtherInc Blockchain, can be used in many ways.

eInc Marketplace
eInc Marketplace will consist of dApps, which will provide eInc organizations a wide variety of applications to run their eInc as and how they want. One example of Marketplace dApps is the Payroll dApp which enables eInc owners to handle their employees and pay their salaries automatically, without the need of passing multiple proposals.



Okay, you can visit their WEBSITE and WHITEPAPER to get more information. And for those of you who have Social Media, you can visit their social media on FACEBOOK and TWITTER. And for those of you who want to ask something about this Project, you can join their TELEGRAM Group, Thank you.

My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1687366;sa=summary

Address ETI : 0xF5dB06206E120074d76F8e94d3292f168Ebb7370