Miniature Ranni & Malformed Star - Elden Ring

in #eldenring3 months ago

A Ranni doll, uhm... ok!? ^^

Ainsel River Main - The northern expanse of the Ainsel River, one of two great undercurrents beneath the Lands Between. Alongside the Siofra, it carves through the depths, a vast graveyard of lost civilizations that thrived before the shadow of the Erdtree.

Elden Ring
Episode 236
Miniature Ranni & Malformed Star
Location: Ainsel River Main, Liurnia of the Lakes, Lands Between
Played with a 360 controller on PC in 4k

#EldenRing #TheShattering #Ring #Fromsoftware #NathanGraham #Gameplay #POI #Erdtree #Location #Guide #POI #Ainsel #River #Ranni #Doll #Quest #Questline