My sons request

in #elderly8 years ago (edited)


Today my son asked me to make homemade dinner rolls. But not just for home, his work is having a bake sale. Since he works at a Nursing and Rehab center and they are having a bake sale to raise money for the activities department. Should or would I could I turn him down for this late request?

The Activites department is a good assest for these centers to have not only does it help with the long term patients and the short term patient to improve their fine motor skills. It also gives them the chance to socialize with other patients that have of the same interest.

If you have ever been in a Nursing and Rehab center and talked to the patients you would be surprised at the things these people have done in their lives. What they haved lived through. Our elderly people our history and hearing first hand accounts of their lives is a joy. Not only for you to hear but to have someone to listen to them. Our elderly population has done a lot for us, and have paved different roads for us.

So did I turn hime down for the homemade dinner rolls. No I did not and it will be a late night for me. But I think it is a honor to help out or elderly people.



That's really nice of you to make him rolls. And a really good cause. Dinner rolls are one of my favorite foods. Hope you aren't up too late. Happy cooking!

Thanks, I like to do what I can to help out these centers.

That's very nice of you. And i love dinner rolls! :-)

It's very nice >I like that. I love roolls in Dinner