Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader.... Unintended Consequences.

in #election6 years ago

Where "unintended consequences" change your mind on immigration.  Trump has become more conservative than many thought that he would be on election day in 2016.  But there is a simple explanation for this.  Common Sense.

While our President is taking on the extreme Left, he is also taking on the extreme right too.  He takes the position of "what makes common sense" on issues.  Do the right thing is always the best solution.  When you do that two good things happen:

  1st, you expose those who benefit from solutions that do not make common sense.  These moral hazards are why these solutions were enacted.  Follow the money and you find those who profit from "big government's bad decisions."

  2nd, you expose the Left and Right wings of the two party system in our government.  Right now the noisy folks are on the left, but if you look you will see the "War" profiteer crowd upset at better accounting of where the dollars are being spent.

Remember Trump getting the Air-force 1 replacement costs slashed before he even took office?  More of this is happening with downsizing.  All agencies ordered to cut their budgets by 5 percent this year.  With 32k less employees cut from last year, they will.

DJT ran against these folks on both sides and in the process have allowed the vast "center" to take back command from the 20 percent at either end of our paradigm.  But we have to be willing to fight for it too.  This is DJT's challenge.


If you doubt me, take this test.  List everyone who is against Trump.  You may find that you are against most, if not all of those you list.  Trump knows this and will bring up his agenda in accordance with these facts.  What is his next move?

Remember his "Build the wall" promise?  A wall needs the moral hazard removed to really work as intended.  What are the moral hazards to illegal immigration?  Birthright citizenship and the social welfare benefits that attach to it.

These migrants crossing our border provide cover to the criminal  narco-traffickers.  Trump has gone after these folks "bigly."  These caravans may be their effort to overwhelm the border to help their operations by using women and children as cover.


The Left has tried to teach the masses that the 14th amendment allows birthright citizenship.  IN 1866 it applied only to the Freed Slaves.  Before the 1960's it was not allowed to alien babies.  What happened to change our view?  Common sense strikes once more with Trump.  


Just like the Left misreads our 2nd amendment, they misread the 14th.  For Political ends.  And their teachings are supported in our schools and in the mass media to the point where the statement "We are a nation of immigrants" becomes the justification.  It's brainwashing.

Trump has removed the blindfolds from folks with his common sense approach to the issues.  America has needed this guy for 100 years.  Well , we got him now and if the Republican Party embraces his philosophy, they will win for another 100 years.


The Dem Party is in favor of illegal immigration because they are losing their lock step "Black Vote."  See the #BLEXIT movement for more.  Trump got 33% of the black vote in '16 in WI and MI [see recounts] Was that nationwide?  Some polls are at 40% now.  So when minorities are giving 30+ percent to the GOP, you have major vote fraud to hide that fact.  Where is the MSM at on this story?  It doesn't fit their given "Narrative" from their owners so Americans do not need to know.  Trump knows.

When you do not let the "paid" media's attacks change your goals or your methods, you expose them for what they are and who they work for.  Remember that Trump owes no one for his position as POTUS.  And he is surrounded by establishment enemies.  We can call these "establishment" folks DEEP STATE, if only because they serve another.  When Trump calls himself a Nationalist, the deep state expose themselves when they redefine the term.  Americans can see this.  Globalists are thus exposed.

 The Trump administration are all about the rule of law.  Pro-active enforcement of the laws on the books have him denying benefits to non-citizens.  America first in action. Birthright citizenship is a loophole to the rule.  Common sense to close it.  

Since 2010 the Democrats have lost over 1200 elected officials nation wide at all levels of government.  Those media supporters of the losing side are losing their influence as well.  8 years of Obama destroying America opens the door for Trump.  How many folks are cutting the cable?  How many turn off the "News?"  My elderly father can no longer understand how the media makes everything "Trump's" fault.  He is not the only one seeing this happen.  It has started to show up in our elections.


DJT has his policies rooted in common sense solutions that if opposed only expose the Left even more.  For this the Left absolutely hates him.  He is telling everyone the truth and the media cannot hide the facts so they misreport them with "Fake News."  When the main stream media is forced to lie to the American people by misreporting facts, they get exposed.  When these idiots double down on the lies, they lose the hearts of many Americans for a long time to come.  We are here now. 


Why is the mainstream media forced to lie?  They are "owned."  They create the world we live in and they get paid well for it.  When Trump exposes their methods they hate him even more.  But he knows because he was once one of them. "You're Fired."  Remember, "they" never thought Hillary would lose.  And the MSM has been hiding the biggest political scandal in history with Hillary and Obama's crimes using the DOJ and other government agencies as weapons against Americans and America.  

No one said saving America would be easy.  Wait till we get term limits in 2020 or eliminate Government sector unions after that.  There is much to do and we must support our President for helping move America away from the cliff face.


Trumpism will over take the whole world next.  It will have to.  Globalism will always oppose us because of our Constitution.  We see the cracks forming.  The central banks will be next.  Expect the next two years to be brutal.  POTUS is up to it though.  November 6 will demonstrate what power that is left in the MSM to influence an election.  You will not miss most of the 76 folks retiring from the US Congress this year because most were "establishment" and Trump is draining the swamp, remember?

Turnout in early voting looks good so far for the GOP, but the election day is yet to pass and nothing can be taken for granted.  Events are being manipulated to push more Democrat turn out by the MSM.  Let us hope that the MSM fails and go vote with that in mind.