One of my friends in Germany is following our election. He was saying if Trump wins that 70% of international investors are going to pull out and downgrade our credit rating from what he's been seeing on his own media. I hope this isn't true, I couldn't find much on this...
But it got me thinking if any companies leave because Trump won then they are dishonest and crooked like Hillary. No pay for play white house for them, then they aren't gonna stay in America it sounds like to me.
It seems that the whole system is rigged by a global power structure(or what I'd called an international criminal syndicate) that the politicians, big businesses, banks both foreign and domestic and the media are part of. Everything's been rigged in this system. Even Bush becoming president was rigged in 2000 depending on who you ask, he's friends with the Clintons. Why are so many celebrities and musicians endorsing Hillary? It probably has to their with possible Illuminati ties.
I just feel like something is controlling our entire political system, probably the elitist reptiles behind closed doors.
Also, it's funny the ADL calls his closing ad anti-semitic... because it shows Jewish bankers... I loved the ad as soon as I seen it, I thought it was very truthful and well done. I never even would have thought it was racist... It seems like the ADL are the ones making everything about race. The fact is those top bankers happen to be Jewish. So I don't see what religion has to do with it. The ADL also thinks Pepe the frog(A cartoon) is racist too... I think they need to be discredited. They have gotten way too political for a nonprofit.
Also, I find it super interesting that both Barrack and Michelle Obama said negative things about Hillary and now it seems like they, along with Biden, Chelsea and Kaine are campaigning more for Hillary than she even is for herself.
Here is an Obama Radio Ad from 2008:
"Hillary Clinton will say anything to get elected", and then the ad's narrator says she supported NAFTA and voted for George Bush's war in Iraq. "She'll say anything and change nothing. It's time to turn the page"
Then Michelle says if you can't run your own house, you can't run the white house while campaigning against Hillary back when Obama was running for president.
I don't get how you can talk trash about someone and then 8 years later campaign for them. Makes me think politics are all fake and scripted like we're living in a movie or they are just really good at being two-faced for their special interests.
The reptilian elite is probably relaxing right now and laughing so much at planet earth right now.
Also, the FBI reviewed 650,000 emails found on some Weiner laptop in a week, which the original investigation was over a year long. Something isn't adding up.
Even if the Election is rigged(which I hope it's not) then we already have hope because the House Judiciary Committee is already planning to impeach her before she is sworn in as president. They also want to get ahold of the 650,000 emails for themselves.
Maybe the entire planet earth is just one giant conspiracy, for all we know we could be living in a simulation. I have been watching Alex Jone's live coverage of the Election.
Roger Stone thinks when Bill and the AG met on that plane, that they exchanged a piece of paper with FBI agents they have dirt on... That's why the FBI dropped the ball over her emails. Those emails containing any incriminating information on Hillary have probably already been deleting.
Malik Obama isn't even supporting his own brother. Possibly he knows something that we don't. Then there's the whole Danny Williams story, about how Bill had a child with a prostitute and even random gifts and money would show up. But once he went to the white house as president, it stopped. It seems quite possibly that Bill cared about his son if this story is true, but Hillary had something to do with keeping them apart.
Then all the Clinton baggage and scandals... I don't see with all these beliefs how the American people would even support her. Probably because they are manipulated by the media. If Hillary wins tonight, the election was rigged I'd reasonably believe with all these facts. Either rigged by counting the votes wrong, voting machines or even just by brainwashing the masses via the state ran media and state ran education system. The entire goal is common core is the create an unaware and compliant citizenry. It's their war on reality to stay in power.
It's time we stop this never ending cycle of corruption and drain the swamp. I want to live in an America that's for the everyday people, and not the special interests.
Anyways, conspiracy theories beside. Vote who you think is going to win on the eSports STEEM BETS 004: 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Outcome Vote Game
I didn't get too far into your blog when you made this statement:
Umm, what? Aren't there other possibilities?
Hmm Probably but it seems like if the special interests don't get their way. Not sure why they would want to stay hah. Oh wait, moving to Mexico because it's cheaper there... But people like to trash talk companies that do that :)