What I Think Might Happen On Election Day...

in #elections2 months ago (edited)

In this the latest of my election-themed posts, I'm sharing not a prediction per se, but just some thoughts on one timeline of how I think the election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will turn out.

It's really a tale of two presidents and their similarities which led them down a pathway where the establishment turned against them due to their actions.

A Tale of Two Presidents

Both faced assassination attempts and revolt from figures inside their own governments. They were wealthy self-made men who had their own money, thus didn't have to kowtow to anybody. These two bucked the system and paid dearly for it, one with his very life.

Of course I'm talking about Presidents John F. Kennedy (JFK), and President Donald Trump. JFK did so many things to piss the establishment off that the wonder is that his assassination didn't happen even sooner.

From embarrassing the warmongers at the Bay of Pigs, announcing that he would smash the CIA into a thousand pieces, to heading off the rollout of US involvement of the Vietnam war which would have saved tens of thousands of American lives while cutting the profits of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) that President Eisenhower warned the country about in the waning days of his administration.

On Janurary 17, 1961 in his farewell address to the nation, outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower (better known as "Ike") shared the following:

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence-economic, political, even spiritual-is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

Checkout this video from 2021 about the HUNDREDS of military bases the US has all over the world:

Trump no matter what you think of him has stated his intention of bringing the war in The Ukraine to a swift end. He's also promised no more 'forever wars' such as the debacle in Afghanistan, where we spent what? a trillion dollars? only to turn the place right back over to the backward cave-man-like Taliban.

All that US taxpayer money spent, all of those lives lost, FOR NOTHING.

So here's what I think MIGHT happen on election day.

The Military Industrial Complex Strikes Back!

There is no way in seven hells that the military industrial complex is going to allow Donald Trump to be elected and cutoff their cash cow of overseas wars. They make way too much money with this. First they get us to bomb the hell out of these places (making money as defense contractors on the front end), and then having their companies winning "no-bid" contracts for the rebuilding (as in Iraq), on the back end.

There's no way they're giving that all up.

If Trump is announced as the winner of this election, I will be completely shocked.

He will interrupt their money flows by actually ending the war, and we can't have THAT now can we?

Kamala Harris is the candidate who will benefit the MIC by keeping their war going, and then having us pay for the reconstruction of The Ukraine. You know, homeless military veterans be damned. Can't make any money off of them.

So I'll be watching the returns with all of you, but remember, it's all about the money, and the establishment candidate (in this case Harris), will ensure that the taps feeding the MIC never run dry.

They simply can't afford 2016 to happen once again when the "wrong" president was elected (you know, one that they couldn't control). That's why I'll be surprised if he manages to pull it off again.

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So I'll be watching the returns with all of you, but remember, it's all about the money, and the establishment candidate (in this case Harris), will ensure that the taps feeding the MIC never run dry.

And yet... the MIC is trying!


Trying harder and harder...

Oh yes, they've thrown EVERYTHING at him, and he's still standing. Oh, and Joe Rogan endorsed him today...