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RE: Electricity is EXPENSIVE in Mexico!!! ~ #harnessthesun

in #electricbill3 years ago

That is awesome! I am really interested in solar panels where I live, but like you said that upfront cost is killer. Plus my wife and I aren't sure how much longer we are going to be in this house, so I don't want to shell out a ton of money for nothing. I look forward to your update in a month!


You're in Michigan, ya? Not sure your ROI would be a fast as mine. Similar to MN, not the sunniest state, but it could eventually work out if you stay long enough.

Thinking of moving somewhere else?

Yes in Michigan and probably here for quite some time yet. At least as long as my parents are around. We had a big tree cut down at our current house so there is full exposure on the east and west. Like I said though, we may be moving eventually. Too many stairs in this house for when we get older.