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RE: The Empty Ship (Electric Dreams Entry & Original Artwork)

in #electricdreams6 years ago

Very well done on this. It has a sense of beautiful horror to it. On the one hand I start to imagine what it would be like to be alone on a spaceship and unaware of how you got there. How would you get off or could you?

On the other hand it seemed as if it was the consequences of something she had previously agreed to, even if she couldn't remember. The result almost seemed justified as she observed the Elka-Whales pass by and consume her every thought and being.

This is the second story I've read based on @tygertyger's contest. I enjoyed the length and think it was necessary to really bring home the despair she was feeling. I think you used the prompts very well.

Thanks for sharing! Keep up the writing, you're doing a fantastic job. Cheers!