List of Articles In This Series
- Introduction / Who Do You Trust?
- Destroying the Non Ionizing Argument\
- Effects of EMFs on Sexual Organs and Reproductive Health
- Effects of EMFs on the Cardiovascular System and Heart
- Effects of EMFs on Oxidation and Reactive Oxygen Species
- Effects of EMFs on Genotoxicity and DNA / Do EMFs Really Cause Apoptosis?
- How EMFs Can Destroy Your Immune System
- How EMFs Affect Brain Health & Development
- How EMFs are Destroying Future Generations (Effects on Neurology and Psychology)
- Conclusions and Final Thoughts
A Breath Of Fresh Air
Hello all. It's been a while.
About a year ago I started this quest to write a 10-part series on the harmful effects of Electromagnetic radiation...going body-part by body-part (the most pertinent ones at least) until I could convince anyone who would listen that this is, indeed, a real threat and something that should be taken seriously. I originally started down this daring path due to the incredible white-hot fire that was burning inside of me which was being kindled greatly by the absolutely insane rollout of the (still) completely untested & new wireless communications technology that is 5th Generational Telecommunications...or as it's better known: 5G.
As stated in my introductory article, this all started during my time in college...when I had nothing better to do than to consume the literal mountain of verified material out there on the demonstrable and potential detrimental effects of electromagnetic radiation, dirty electricity, and radio frequency saturation. Around the end of my time in college is when I really decided that I would spend my time and energy on a project such as this...and it really only took a few months into my new job to start putting the framework together.
However, as you all know, life happens...and when it does, we are forced to make some uncomfortable decisions and things don't always work out the way we envisioned.
Putting this series on hold was one of those tough decisions.
However, I never gave up on the project, and the fire within me continues to burn white-hot at the thought of the recent advances that have been made during the pandemic to roll out 5G as quickly as possible. I never ceased my research on these topics, and although I had entered hibernation...I continued to think about and construct my arguments based off of the new evidence that has come to light since I wrote the first two articles. Now that I am in a much more flexible place in my life...I look forward to continuing the discussion surrounding this very serious and dire discussion, in the hopes that I can open the eyes of even a single person to the serious danger we face with the rollout of 5G.
A New Beginning
During my time in self-isolation, I continued my research...not only into 5G, but in all areas of science, religion, philosophy, and more. This who I am. A researcher...a philosopher...a reader...and most importantly, a THINKER. Yes, the piece of paper that my university gave me says that I am an Electrical Engineer...and that's why I have chosen to focus on 5G here in this article series, however my interests extend into just about everything conceived of in the mind of man. I still hold dear to the age-old philosophy that anyone should be able to discuss their thoughts on anything...regardless of rank, position, or title. This is a little something called "free speech", and in case you haven't noticed... it's an idea that is quickly dying in the age of "trust the science" cult members, and brain-dead social media zombies.
Well I've decided to do something about it.
While I will still post these and all future articles on Hive (as I like doing my drafting/editing here), I actually started my own website where all of my future articles will be hosted. The website is called Informed Consent and it is my hope that it will become a bastion of free speech, discussion, and analysis in a world that had become determined to stomp on any semblance of free-thought.

Here are just a few features that the website will offer:
- Categorical thought and analysis on all interesting, relevant, and requested subjects. This will take the form of essays and articles. No topic will be off-limits.
- A local "library" which will act as a repository and directory of scientific papers, journals, and any other materials that can be legally provided for direct download. (If the paper or material in question is stuck behind a paywall, we will direct you to the right place).
- A reddit-like forum...very similar to the thousands that already discussions and debates can spring up in the wake of our articles, as well as any current events. Nothing will be banned or limited...unless, of course, it is illegal.
- (Potential) Video-Streaming, Podcasts, and other forms of popular media not everyone has the time or will to read through thousands of pages-worth of scientific papers or multiple articles at a time. This is a longer-term goal, but I fully plan on incorporating this into the final product.
As with all big ideas...I'm sure this will change and evolve as I build it, but the ultimate goal here is to bolster the free-speech movement that is currently sweeping the world in opposition to the medically-induced tyranny we see unfolding right before our very eyes.
This website isn't about me. This movement is about we the people who make up the human race who decide to do their part in the age-old fight between good and evil. As such, I would like to expand to a team of writers, experts, and artists to publish on my site...and to involve everyone who decides to enter the arena of free thought.
I will do my absolute best to accomplish this.
So while I will focus now on the continuation and eventual conclusion of this original 10-part deep-dive...just know that it is also serving a dual-purpose as the launching pad for something much greater. It is my hope that I can use fire to fight fire and expose the scientific elite who hope to usher in a new dark age by using their own research against them...therby giving you all the information you need to make an informed decision on your health...both physical and spiritual.
Welcome, my friends, to the beginnings of Digital Alexandria.
Welcome to Informed Consent.