Los 3 chiflados (Dibujo a lápiz) | The 3 Stooges (Pencil drawing)

in #elegance6 years ago

Los 3 chiflados (Dibujo a lápiz)

The 3 Stooges (Pencil drawing)


Los 3 Chiflados fue una serie de comedia transmitida desde 1922 hasta 1970, se caracterizaba por ser una comedia agresiva y verbal lo que le hizo ganar gran popularidad en entre los años 1934 - 1946 aunque la serie se extendió hasta el 1970 logrando así 48 años de transmisión donde los 3 personajes principales llamados Moe, Larry y Curly grabaron cortometrajes de una duración promedio de 16 minutos primero para Columbia Pictures, y luego para Screen Gems, empresa la cual los llevó a la televisión convirtiendo al programa en uno de los más populares de los años 60.

The 3 Stooges was a series of comedy broadcast from 1922 to 1970, was characterized by an aggressive and verbal comedy that made him gain great popularity in the years 1934 - 1946 although the series was extended until 1970, thus achieving 48 years of transmission where the 3 main characters called Moe, Larry and Curly recorded short films of an average duration of 16 minutes first for Columbia Pictures, and then for Screen Gems, company which took them to television making the program one of the most popular of the 60s.

El Proceso

The Process

En esta ocasión salí un poco de la costumbre de iniciar los dibujos por los rostros de los personajes y comencé a dibujar desde el fondo en la esquina superior izquierda con lápices 8B y 10B tras hacer las lineas del boceto inicial, siempre de manera suave con lápices 6H para no manchar la cartulina.

This time I left a little of the habit of starting the drawings by the faces of the characters and began to draw from the bottom in the upper left corner with pencils 8B and 10B after making the lines of the initial sketch, always softly with pencils 6H so as not to stain the cardboard.


La ropa de los personajes, para diferenciarlas del fondo y de la piel, la hice con un lápiz HB, un tono intermedio que logra hacer un buen contraste con el resto de los elementos del dibujo.

The clothes of the characters, to differentiate them from the background and skin, I did with a HB pencil, an intermediate tone that manages to make a good contrast with the rest of the elements of the drawing.


La piel, ya que se trata de una obra en pequeña escala, fue un poco mas complicada de trabajar que de costumbre, los detalles son muy pequeños además de que se trata de tres rostros, la manera más fácil de trabajar esta área para mi fue usando un lápiz 4H para las sombras y dejando en blanco las zonas de iluminación.

The skin, since it is a small-scale work, was a bit more complicated to work than usual, the details are very small in addition to that it is three faces, the easiest way to work this area for me was using a 4H pencil for the shadows and leaving the lighting areas blank.


La Obra Finalizada

The Finished Artwork


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Wow! That's amazing @connor-russo :) I used to love watching The Three Stooges when I was a kid :)

Submitting to c-squared as well; I'm sure they'll stop by to show their appreciation as well.

This post is sponsored by Elegance - Art Community

in collaboration with @appreciator and will be showcased in weekly Featured posts of @elegance. Just keep up the good work.

Muy bueno como siempre

Congratulations! Your work has been featured on our 2nd Day of our Week 8 as we highlight deserving artists on this community.

Week 8, Day 2 ~@connor-russo

Really nice drawing of the three stooges, @connor-russo :) You captured them very well, and I enjoy the step by step, also :)

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.