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RE: elfspice credibility -1

in #elfspice8 years ago

The nomenclature of the chemistry is, the free acid is -ic acid and the dissolved (not just conjugate) is -ate. Water dissolves acids and bases because it is an acid and a base at the same time. Thus, it's oxalate, until you remove the water, and then it is oxalic acid (something) hydrate, or if you super vacuum it dry, maybe you can temporarily get the straight oxalic acid.

Yes, the main way that oxalic acid kills you is by binding up calcium. By the way, it's unique amongst organic acids, it's basically made out of two atoms of carbon dioxide, and two atoms of water. If you heat oxalic acid enough, it disappears in a puff of CO2 gas, from decarboxylation. That is, the water separates from the CO2. Oxalic acid also has another unique feature, it is also soluble in nonpolar solvents. You can actually use oxalic acid to purify alkaloids the same way as anhydrous Hydrochloric Acid can be used to 'gas' alkaloids out of solution. Of course, it's just a purification step for drug synthesis, and not often used. Literally, you can dissolve it in petroleum ether, or so, and with another solution of your freebase alkaloid, drop the dry oxalate in slowly and out drops snowflakes of your drug in the oxalate salt form.

I have not been eating honey, as I said, for reasons of heat treatment and addition of glucose, but I'm gonna take your word for it, because I don't see any reason to suddenly start using it anyway.

It's nice to have confirmation about my suspicions about light. I have been exposed to excessive sunlight for some time since I moved into this apartment. I don't mind so much, that I wake up early, I think this is a good thing. But the excessive sun exposure I get, I am now certain that it is doing me no good.