|The crimes you have listed were committed by someone breaking the law. Not me.|
Once again your trying to seperate yourself from American History. When deep research is done, any corporation that is proven to have profited from slavery or simply owned slaves will have to pay into a fund that will pay the descendants of slaves. Some of that money will go towards scholarships, and other education rewards for African American citizens. Also some money will go towards low interest loans available only to African Americans to start small business, and buy homes. Access to loans through banks have always been a problem for African Americans because banks would either deny us, or give us extremely high rates to deter people of color from elevating ourselves out of poverty. But there are many constructive ways that the money could be used.
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You are not a victim of slavery as much as I am not a perpetrator of it no matter what your high school civics teacher tells you
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Glad our school systems are working so well
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You have revealed your true colors your a white racist.