I Sent Elon Musk A Package And Heard Nothing: Share Your Embarrassing Story, Too!

in #elon-musk9 years ago (edited)

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Like a lot of people, I became obsessed with Elon Musk. I'm a little embarrassed by how much I admire him.

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The reasons are many, but primarily, he woke up my mind to possibilities of intelligence mixed with action. I'll never be able to forget the first time I accidentally ran across a video that showed him speaking. I'd never heard of Elon Musk or Tesla Motors back in 2013.

When I listened to him speak, I thought, "Holy shit, who is this genius and why is he not on the nightly news?"

My mind was torn open and through my research of Elon Musk and Tesla Motors, my worldview shifted and I could see how the future was going to shape up in favor of electric vehicles. It was like I was lifted out of a mental fog upon that first viewing.

My obsession with everything Elon Musk has come and gone but many months ago, I felt this tremendous urge to send Tesla Motors a proposal in the mail. So, inspired I was! Mad? Perhaps, but I had to unleash the energy! I wrote the proposal and then hand-painted the case. It took an entire day to complete.

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I hand-painted the case using the theme of organic, nature-inspired shapes

The guts of the proposal wasn't spectacular.

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It basically presented the idea that Uber cars could be Teslas. At the time I sent the proposal I was an Uber driver. I thought it would be cool to combine the best of both worlds and have all Uber cars become Teslas. Of course, I didn't have a good idea about the costs involved, but I thought it would be a great way to introduce Teslas to new drivers. It would also solve a lot of issues with driver costs as well as the environment as we wouldn't be paying for fuel or polluting the air. Contrary to what you might think, being an Uber driver is not very lucrative.

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At the end of the letter I signed it:

Thank you for revolutionizing my mind,

So, why is this embarrassing?

It's embarrassing because it was misplaced energy. But sometimes I just have to do what's inside of me, no matter what the consequences or lack thereof is.

After I sent this off, I felt relieved that my secret was finally out.

I bet Elon Musk receives all kinds of weird stuff in the mail from weirdos.

What's your embarrassing story? Will you reveal it?

ps- all the artwork on here is mine. the first image is a collage of Elon and a photo I took of an acorn. It reminds me that Elon is working for nature as well as for mad ideas.

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Awesome Stella, I have only started paying to him recently and I'm just as obsessed! The benevolent billionaire, who is also a genius; what's not to love?

I guess my embarrassing one; actually I have a couple, the first one is, ugh no, that one is too embarassing, mainly because he isn't even famous, he's just a blogger that I got into and was reading everyday. He recommended a book; Napoleon Hill, Think And Grow Rich.

I then wrote this really cringey email about how we should be in each others Master Mind Group...

The other one is also pretty embarassing, after reading V.S Ramachandran's book The Tell-Tale Brain, I was convinced that I had come up with a new theory of mind, I wrote to him and laid it out.

I never heard anything back... :-(

Oh well, one day :-)

PS Love the design on your envelope, I reckon he definitely opened it with that on the front; I would have. :-)


"was convinced that I had come up with a new theory of mind, I wrote to him and laid it out.

I never heard anything back... :-(" - Ha ha!!!!! I know, sometimes it sucks being an inspired person! But it makes life more exciting. Wow, sounds like we are similar in that way of being inspired by others and then doing something about it.

It looks like the Voynich manuscript. No embarrassment there! I'd love to know in who's hands this ended up though...

what's the voynich manuscript? is that the one that has never been translated? no one knows what language it was written in?
oh i found it:
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No one will ever figure it out.

it's amazing isn't it? It shows that we don't know everything.....

me too. Or did Elon Musk just throw it away? Or is there a secret area where all the mail from weirdos is kept? What exactly happened? I spent 10 hours on the art and paid around $45 in total to send it, but it was worth it, as my obsession sort of went away after this.

I've had a few similar experiences - I even painted for someone I admire (Nicholas Nassim Taleb) and sent the whole painting over to his university. Nothing. Non of them ever replies! They want to be left alone! xD

"They want to be left alone! " My god, I hadn't even thought of this! In my delirium of being inspired, I could only think about the passion that had been stirred up in my soul. It's a bit selfish, actually! Do you have photos of that painting? I'd love to see that! It would make an interesting book: STUFF WE SENT TO PEOPLE WE ADMIRE. It might be of interest, I know I would definitely buy that book....

Lol, so I definitely think you are crazy now. But who isn't , right? Thanks, I like seeing honesty even (or especially) when its embarrassing.

why is this crazy though? thanks for your comment but let me say what I think is truly crazy:
Someone driving to a 9-5 job s/he hates, in rush hour traffic and paying for mortgage on a house that s/he never has time to live in....that is truly nuts............
I do have creative impulses, like a child. I guess that makes me a crazy adult. If a kid did this, it would be rewarded somehow.. maybe..

Hahaha. I would have done that too. I like that guy so much. Read his biography by Vance?
You know, after thinking about your request for a few minutes, I realized I've really been living a boring life. I mean I don't even have an embarrassing story I can remember.
I don't attend social functions, I avoid talking to people, I don't speak in public. I'm just satisfied being left alone. I really need to move out of my comfort zone. I'm still trying hard to remember one though. When my memory flashback gets to my tween period, I should find one :(

wait, how old are you? I've lived a whole life..... I think you're just getting started, but don't wait too long. Life will pass you by if you wait for the perfect moment.
Read his biography by Vance? Yes, I have read a lot of it....it's on my Kindle.
The best source of info is the YT channel: Every Elon Musk Video