Holy shit, reactions are massive over Elon Musk stating Mark Zuckerberg's understanding concerning AI is limited.
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Elon really doesn't have much respect for Zuckerberg.
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What you are seeing is the difference between a capitalistic innovator(zuckerberg) and a true innovator (Elon). Just take a look at and compare the products that they have created.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
They're both idiots.
what makes you think that?
Zuckerberg is selling and feeding off his users content and privacy. Musk is living in a fantasy world and wants to go live on Mars. I have zero admiration for those guys.
I agree with you on Zuckerberg. He is basically running a ad company and spying on the world trying to get richer and richer.
Question: If Elon Musk would have told you in 2002 when he founded SpaceX and was standing in a room with co founders and a band...

and he would have told you that in a couple years I will be on the way to solve one problem of earth's pollution sources by selling electric cars and I will make rockets fly back from orbit and land safely so we can use them again... would you have believed him or would you say he is a dreamer?
He's still a dreamer. The big problem I see with electric cars, they need electricity to charge those massive batteries. Let's assume for a moment that all the cars in the world become electric... can you imagine the explosion in power plants to charge all those cars daily??? Maybe add thousands more nuclear plants around the world to respond to this surge in electric demand? Did he account for that in his problem-solving equation? He may genuinely have a desire to help humanity, but his plans are unrealistic.
actually he did. He estimated that if we cover a landmass of the size of spain with solar collectors, it would power the world.
Put those panels in a desert and it's not really space people need
other sources: here
I worked as a solar technician for a couple years and I think it's doable. Solar panels are even the weakest part of the chain when it comes to reusable energy with one solar panel giving between 150 and 220 kwats/h while one wind energy unit can provide up to 1.3 megawatts.
So i think we could even power the world with less space than spain