I have so many simultaneous thoughts about this. One central one revolves around Musk's codependence. When in my thirties I could relate to that idea of "sleeping alone being like death", but as I grew emotionally, I realized that I was impossible to be around and needed to grow up emotionally.
It's weird to think that someone so successful in one area can be quite lost in the other area, but I think that is a product of psychological abuse. Anyone who has suffered from long-term psychological abuse is at a distinct disadvantage. When you combine hyper sensitivity with abuse, you get something quite beastly. Musk exhibits characteristics of a much younger person, almost a child, in his fear of abandonment, and until this fear is looked at, acknowledged, and dealt with, the idea of someone wanting to be by his side is dismal. I found it interesting that he was immediately jumping to figuring out "who he should date" instead of analyzing why his relationships continue to dissolve.
Fascinating! This was probably the best thing I've ever read about Musk, as you conveyed it like I was there listening to him speak.
Thanks again, and that's one of the things that's great about actually meeting the people who are doing things like Elon. Everyone's human. Everyone's imperfect. Everyone's struggling with something. And the best among them are trying to figure it out.
He will never have time to figure it out. That's his curse. He is brilliant and we are lucky to have him, but his productivity in part stems from his energy being put entirely into the external, physical world -- which coincides with his repudiation of the possibility that there is anything more to reality than the world of matter. If asked to choose if we are bodies with a soul or souls with a body, he would say neither -- we are just bodies. Which means that he has applied his willingness to scrap convention to the external world but has not yet applied it to the internal and to admit that we in fact don't have the slightest clue about what exactly consciousness represents.
He doesn't understand anything going on inside because he can't see inside. He navigates by logic but would benefit from some intuition, to slowing down his processor and feeling his way rather than just brute force thinking it -- quantum computing it rather than supercomputing it. Unfortunately, this is what happens when you have an emotionally destructive childhood -- you shut your emotions down and it takes a really, really long time to get in touch with them again, and since intuition is a type of feeling, this suffers also.
Then again -- the man has tackled the world hard enough to set it to vibrating, so what do I know...
Thanks for the post. I'm walking away liking Musk more. And would like to read more of your stuff.
Maybe he'd be a good candidate for ayahuasca or a "Heroic dose" of some other hallucinogen.
Then again --...