in #elrond6 years ago (edited)

Elrond (erd) is a blockchain platform implementing adaptive segmentation (sharding) scheme for practical
scalability and fairness through the consensus mechanism (secure proof of stake).

Puts emphasis on security from attacks rogue-key, sybil, nothing at stake, etc. offers an engine compatible with EVM.

throughput is much more efficient than centralized counterparts. Architecture can be thought of as addition to existing models seeking to achieve a balance between decentralization, scalability and security. In a way, this is a revision of the blockchain architecture. to achieve results, the team developed a new adaptive state segmentation mechanism which increases the level of scalability as the network join new nodes.



Adaptive Sharding

This scaling method based on classical principles of database optimization is also called horizontal separation. it divides data into several parts in different environments. network partitioning chunks in a blockchain-sphere leads to the simultaneous processing and verification of more transactions.

There are three levels of charding:

  1. network separation - that is, the process of distributing nodes into segments.

  2. separation of transactions by segments while all the nodes together retain the overall state of the blockchain.

  3. separation of states - a technology that allows different segments to process only the honor of a state without repeating
    data between nodes located in different segments.

This dynamic model allows the network to adapt to increasing or decreasing the number of nodes without harm
for decentralization and security.


According to the concept of conventional proof of stake, the probability that a particular node confirms a transaction grows in depending on the amount of tokens delivered to them. spos extends this idea. Elrond offers improvement reducing delay by allowing each node in the segment to identify participants in the consensus group. such opportunity It appears because the factor in the random selection is the signature in the last block. The scheme significantly reduces the selection time (from 12 seconds to 100 ms). and the Elrond consensus is enhanced by the addition rating. in addition to the available volume of tokens, this indicator is also taken into account in the selection.


Cryptocurrency elrond demonstrates a new approach to adaptive sharding increasing security and throughput and reducing delays due to embedded innovation. The few weeks that the network has worked in test mode have really shown promising results confirmed by experts. So according to preliminary estimates, the project has potential.

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