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Thank you very much for this tip. I had no idea it mattered how you add video to your posts.

Feels good to be one of the first to upvote before it has gotten out of hand :) By the way, thanks for the Tip, I had no idea about that. I used to do it the wrong way all this time...

I've been letting curators front-run me for months to increase curation rewards for them. :)

if we vote 20min later we get 20-25 % curator reward this true??

You have always been a generous people's person mate, thank you :). BTW @acidyo, a bit off topic, have you checked I had a question for you.

Oh yeah, get spammed a lot there so miss them easy, will check in the morning!

@acidyo, I always try to write to you only when I have good quality content that I want feed back on :). I hate spamming people and I apologize if I have ever spammed you. That's why I post only when I am sure it will be good stuff. And now I just posted a Biography about my best friend who has an amazing transformation. It is an original story and it will inspire you :)) I will be really happy if you check it out and maybe expose it to any other content curators

Wow - I had no idea people send links to other people for posts in chat. Very interesting marketing strategy. I'm still not planning to chat but good to know something goes on in there besides fighting. This post is a goldmine of information today.

They have special channels for promotions only :)

Thank you so much! I have a youtube channel of 14k subscribers and I was wondering why on earth videos here are not watched.
However, I believe that steemit is not meants for videos. People don't really watch it (Maybe?)
I personally have shared videos but I prefer to read than watch here on steemit. Maybe it is the way the platform is designed, I can't give an explanation. I just "feel" it!

It seems people here prefer reading to watching videos, I've also noticed that. However, this is a growing platform and I believe as more people join that might change.

I know people have watched mine since they ask me details on occasion. I'm only putting videos here that are under two minutes and I am sure to mention that before they even get the the play button or I get (bs) comments how people are saving them to watch later - not :)

Wait, what? It doesn't give views if someone watches it with either the share url or direct link? I had no idea, that's kind of lame. Thanks for the heads up, dude.

This is nice to know. Thanks for sharing

it gives views, but retension of viewers is super low and it will not bring great search results from youtube, yes u will receive views , but search rankings will be bad.

Embedding option is great. One more thing I want to add here. It will increase your visibility both in youtube as well as in google. In simple terms, the more you embedded that video the higher you get rank in google and youtube.

That's a very handy, well-timed tip! I'm about to start posting some videos, so now I know the right way to do it from the beginning! Thanks so much for sharing!

Watched it and oh my goodness! The quirks of steemit! I am most definitely linking my videos here and want those views. Thank you so much for this help. I will change my ways immediately.

That's really cool, never thought that an youtube video couldn't get views unless properly embeded. I am curios if you know a method to embed images that allows readers to click on them and make them larger. I've struggled to find a way to do that. Cheers

No, you can't do what you want. That requires a script to run to pop out the image. And you cannot embed scripts in you posts.

You can create a link to the larger picture. So, if someone clicks on it, they will go to a page, that is the larger picture.

< A href=""> < img src="" /> < /A>

In steemit com the picture gets sized to 672 px wide.
If they click on the picture, they will go to mypicture com and view the full picture size.

Thanks for the clarification man, it was super useful

Thank you so much! I have a youtube channel of 1k subscribers and I was wondering why on earth videos here are not watched.
However, I believe that steemit is not meants for videos. People don't really watch it (Maybe?)

I just love your Post BRo...

This post was very informative thank you for sharing
you have my upvote plus a resteem

That's nice and easy way

I can’t wait until the series drops !

Very important information for beginners. Never would have know without this post.

Very important information, thank you for sharing with us.

excellent post @acidyo ! the way you express yourself is exquisite, very well done, keep it up, you will be very successful!

pure good information, so you need people in this wonderful world that is STEEMIT
I had not read you, but now that I found your content I follow you!
support me brother that I am starting as well as you also started some day and it was difficult for them .. I hope the receptivity of this community since I feel that they are very good people .. thanks and blessings, extitos <3

yeah...sir.i got it about you tube videos.

thank you for your exceptional news...

love it@acidyo

Thanks for giving instructions how to embed youtube videos to steemit platform. I have never known before when you was told here. Huge support to me @acidyo.

yeah it working evrytime you watch embeded video increase 1 view...thanx @acidyo

I can't wait to see the "hardfork Series" :D

BTW thanks for the tip i will try with my next post, but, i really wanna upload them on D.Tube which is not possible for a moment :(

Gonna be interesting

Thanks for the info. I'll pass it on to my youtube buddy who is about to make the transition to steemit.

Really loved hard-fork series. can't wait long term. Thank to the best point.

Cool info! :)

Thanks for the tip.

Nice tip, its gonna a help a lot around who are new to steemit.

Wow, never realized that the YouTube video didn't count Steemit views. Thanks:)

I watched your video .amazing video I like it.

usefull information also informative...anyway thanks@acidyo

Awesome!! Did not know about this, thanks for bringing it up

Thank you for noticing acidyo, well the real question is does videos in steemit get monetized?

Most likely no, but i resteemed this and i'll propably make a post about this cause its one of the most amzing facts.

And thank you for finding a solution to this problem.

I also have a youtube channel but im still to low to be talking about it

Thanks, I'll test this on my next gaming upload with commentary. :) I've been posting just the link like a noob!

Good stuff here thanks for the post helps a lot of people!

That's new, great life hacks for steemit and YouTube

Ilmu yang sangat berguna ,
Saya akan mencoba

Excellent information, I didn't know there was a difference. :)

Hi @acidyo, Any video that is embedded at any platform other than YouTube will increase the video count at the original source video. You can see all the relevant data in YouTube analytics.

Thanks for sharing.

Steem On!

This teaser is weird as hell...

Thanks for this! I was doing it with the other links and wondering why no views on my channel. Now I know!

By the way, thanks for the Tip, I had no idea about that. I used to do it the wrong way all this time...

Awesome tip man! I had wondered what the difference with embed was, will test and run, cheers :-)


Seriously?? I can use an iframe??o_o * goes to try it *

Thank you for that, although i already knew that, alot of people didn't. and i appreciate your work to make the community better!

That was very boss when the gal smacked that agent with her arm at the end. What is Hardfork? I never knew it is better to embed youtube on steemit, so thanks for the heads up.

A good tip. It's just a shame that youtube revenue has become abysmal as of recently.

Thank you so much! I have a youtube

Oopa! Really? I never know about this until now. Thanks for sharing @acidyo

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