Well, I'm Being Eaten Alive by Mould.. Wonderful.

in #emergency7 years ago

It's basically 3:30 AM Thursday , May 24th 2018 and I'm sitting in emergency at the hospital while a number of different species of mould move through and digest my body. The worst affected parts are my hands, feet, chest and lips. The sensation is akin to having an ant crawl slowly over your skin followed by a dull but constant burning pain. I've seemingly developed minor tremors as well, not sure of the exact cause of this, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it may be related to the massive assault going on from fungus trying to eat me.

What Being Eaten Alive Looks Like...


While hard to make out in this terrible picture taken on my phone the white filiments growing from my finger are hyphae from mould. I've essentially become a plague bearer, with any porous surface I touch breaking out in mould shortly thereafter.. I'm fuckin' disgusting, contagious and basically a biological weapon at this point.

I really hope I can find a way to minimize my contagion factor as well as get a new place to live ASAP.. while I still have a few objects like my computer and electronics that need sanatized and removed from the moulded house I lack a clean area to store them afterwards.. please send healing mind lazers and home finding luck my direction, Lord knows I need all the help I can get.


you mean like this?


I'm been eaten too

That is intense dude... Go get you some antibiotics.. !

I've done the antibiotics and they also tried culturing the skin to see what grows but nothing ever does. I don't think they know what it is. But its a cycle of appearing then going away and then returning again.
pure coconut oil helps but don't cure it

Have you tried blue star ointment?
It cures most skin problems, including mange in dogs.

Not heard of that.. Is it only in the states? i'll have to check if you can get it in the uk. Thanks for the info

This looks like psoriasis , is it itching a lot ? I had been into this and my condition was worst compared to this. But I got treated by taking Homeopathy. There is no cure for this in English Medicine.

Yes i think you are right with psoriasis. It seems to come in cycles.. I'm not sure why but at the moment its clear. I'm prepared to try anything when the itching starts.
Thanks for your input

I think it is just normal if you have a blue collar job

I'm a programming monkey... Haven't done menial / physical labour in a long, long time.. :/

Sad but true!

That is really sad. I have never seen anything like this . Praying for you and sending positive vibes that you get over this , heal completely and find a good house. Good luck :)

Thanks for the kind words man.

acidophilus cures skin issues, I was plagued with identical skin issues on inner finger joints till I discovered this. As for athletes foot, soaking problem areas in a combination of vinegar and isopropyl is a 30 day fix, but it takes patience, you are battling fungus after all.

Sending you all the best lazars, and I am creeped out for you as well. Gross.

I kind of want you to take a bath (not in your house) in Apple Cider Vinegar and rub yourself down with coconut oil. I know the docs will not tell you these are natural fighters of fungus and mold.

Hang in there, I'm sending you positive vides and reminding you that although the gross factor is high and stressful, you've got this. :)

Thanks lovely.. i had read about that online but haven't had a chance to try it.. appreciate the lazar's and advice. Still waiting in the emergency waiting room... Oh well. Might try to doze off for a bit.. my energy is dull but I'm still here.. <3

I have eczema on my right hand that looks identical to that when it flares up. It's the only place it happens for me for the 20 years I've dealt with it - on the prints of my thumb, forefinger, and middle finger. Sometimes it gets so bad my skin will literally crack and bleed. Very un-fun.

Worst comes to worst we now call you Steemit Spore! A new superhero on the blockchain. Least I hope there has not been a fungus/spore type of superhero yet. I’m thinking about you DC Universe.

Have you tried blue star ointment?
It cures most skin problems, including mange in dogs.

I've been suffering from a similar fungal infestation. I picked something up in Regina last week, which has been spreading along my hand and arm. I was in the bush and stinging nettles started calling me. I did some research, and found nettle to have tried and true antifungal properties. So, I rub these beats on the affe Ted area and it's been clearing up way faster than the prescribed doctor junk which was seeming to make matters worse. I've got. A bag full here for you.

Holy sh@t I am so sorry you are having to deal with this @klye. I had no idea mold could do that to a person.

I hope you recovery from this very soon. Best wishes

If you do not have any fevers then maybe you are okay @klye