in #emotions7 years ago

C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_gallery-thumbnails(1).jpgThough we are all created by God, we are all embodied in emotions and frustrations.This emotion determines the behavioural patterns of man by detecting what to select and what not to select
Emotions generally means a mixture of physiological arousal such as running away from dangerous things. Emotional behaviour is a strong motivated behaviour which is characterized by struggling to escape. It can also direct us towards objects and attraction.Emotions are also characterized by striving to possess to be pleasant in other words it can be be joy, delight,happiness, it can also be unpleasant such as distress,fear, disgust,anger Sorrow etc.For our emotions to be triggered depends on our situation and at the particular period of time.It is a form of behavior which cannot be easily and directly observed apart from our overt behaviour.It also involves vocal and facial expressions.C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_gallery-thumbnails.jpgNo matter how gifted , how talented, trained or exposed and resourceful we are in solving and adjusting with our daily problems the truth remains that frustration must come into play.When frustration is being discussed we remember that it is always experienced when progress towards a particular goal is hindered. The hindrance might be temporary or permanent it must interfere with the on going action..Frustration can motivate us into a desperate bid to actualize our thwarted goals to achieve the thwarted goals Frustrations Image Quotes And Sayings - Page 1(1).jpg Frustration also leads to demotivation.in this case it make some of us to abandon our set goals and with this we will be exposed to frustrating condition that is devoid of inspiration and support and also leads us to immature mode of behavior and taking us back to our old days. In all, we need not allow unpleasant emotions and frustrations to weigh us down in our life rather we ve to be strong and always pray to God for better days ahead.C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_gallery-thumbnails(1).jpg Read with smiles of hope my fellow steemits. "still your newbie" @Okagurosemary.