@davdip "Most important was to remain focused and always have presence of mind ##
Some guys are getting up set as they missed few coins and not able to earn , Guys don't regret as market seems supportive than you will find every day 2-3 coins will jump and will give you good profit . All coins are in dip only thing need to do choose good coins and buy it from its lowest support and enjoy the profit . Remember those days when their was no movement on the coins and regular blood bath going on even every trader had tasted the taste of huge loss including Me ( new babies in trading like you guys )and still in 2 plus btc down from over all account .
In short don't get demotivate by looking people around you are earning , Should take actions and be active , keep watching post of members are posting regarding coins and believe me you don't need to even wait for ping from any one of trader ....you may find coins which you should buy and every body is having limited budget to trade including me , how much some one trade daily ....hardly you can buy 4-5 max coin in a day ... so many people are sharing coins on their time line ...You can earn every day even If you are good in making relation with people and getting connect with people as they are biggest source of information also you should get in with so many free channel group and pump & group as they provides free signals as well and can have a fair idea what to buy for today .Believe me now a days these groups calls more effective then charts predictions lolzzlolzzzz....
Earning is all depend on your investment and risk you ready to take and your presence of mind even you don't know how to trade.
##Mysterious entrepreneur