Positive Thoughts

in #emotions7 years ago

Positivity. It's a rather simple feeling with a not-so-simple occurrence. Positivity can be associated with experiences of joy, happiness and a familiar sensation of inner warmth that can stem from apparently anything, be it memories from the past or an event in the present or planning in the near future. But as pretty as it seems, it's existence has become a rarity in today's world. In our preoccupation in pursuit of materialistic assets, we have made ourselves immune to the stigma that generates positivity. And in turn, our minds have succumbed to negative thoughts. And that, slowly, leads us to the immense ocean of mental illness. It has so become that even the tiniest of mishaps in our lives make us succumb to the clutches of depression and self-doubt. Why is it so that we can't see the brighter aspects of things and instead only focus on what's wrong with our lives and dwell in self -pity? And why should positivity be proportional to receiving validation from others? To some extent, it is our fault that we allow ourselves to be weak enough to let any storm shake our roots and break our core. But more than that, the inconspicuous presence of positivity in our lives is more related to the various stigmas in the external world. Peer pressure, expectations, social bullying and so many other factors crumble our self-respect and allow us to resign ourselves to negativity. Yeah, life isn't going to be, and there will be challenges that will crush our faith, and it is going to be disappointing. But we cannot let incidents like that control the majority of our lives. We have to focus on the brighter side of things, and we can't forget that we are not alone, no matter how hard it seems. Our loved ones play an eminent role in morphing our psychology because it's their actions and words that make us think twice about ourselves. At times like this, the feeling of being loved and cared for, having someone beside through thick and thin, these sensations play a significant role in re-establishing one's faith in oneself. For we humans are social beings. We cannot survive in solitude and hence, our happiness is synonymous with others'. That's both our strength and our weakness, and we should exploit that strength, not the weakness. But, as easy as it is to say all these, not everyone is lucky enough to find that kind of support or strength that helps them to battle their inner demons and then, it's only a matter of time before depression sets in. And pulling someone out from his or her depressive stage is no joke. But the key lies here. The cure for mental illness is the same as the seed to positive thoughts. Sometimes all one needs is a bit of support and a few encouraging words to pull oneself up again and move on. But sometimes, it's not so simple. And far as the human psychology is concerned, the key to mental health lies in oneself. Our surroundings can only provide the external support, but the battle within has to be fought by oneself. That act of loving oneself and being confident in one's skin and in one's abilities is something not many are familiar with, but that feeling goes a long way in smoothening out the rough edges of the pages of our lives. Well, beyond the play of the various hormones and chemicals that are responsible for the negative and positive feelings in our body, is the more important fact that we are responsible for the changes in our own and others' lives. We have the potential to overcome all odds and help others to do the same. For no matter how over-used the line is, there IS a silver lining in every grey cloud. And each moment can be a celebration of your uniqueness if only you allow it to be. You can either choose to live regretting over your shortcomings, or you can stand again, breathe and make the difference you want to see in yourself and your life. For every time you rise after you fall, you stand stronger than before.