Permit me to butt in here. I don't think an argument for or against morality should arise from this post/contest. I'm a simple guy trying to be a good creative writer whose works would one day be read far and wide. So I see this for what I think it really is: a writing exercise meant to sharpen the minds of would be writers and help us improve on our skills. Some probably think the same way too.
In writing, the question of right or wrong shouldn't decide what you write or don't write. If it were so, then I think humanity would have missed out on so many great works of literature by now.
I hope my argument was in line. Thanks.
PS: I belief there are so many other scenarios that could be painted with this thread and not necessarily one of revenge as you seem to have stereotyped already.
If you can, check out my own version below.
The topic of morality, and even a discussion of the concept of right and wrong might well be encouraged here by the story that is presented. Instead of intentionally creating argument, I reviewed the contest, considered the idea of morality which led to right and wrong, and decided to write about it here without any prescribed constraints. Was if wrong for me to do so? As you said, "In writing, the question of right or wrong shouldn't decide what you write or don't write." I agree.
No, you weren't wrong. It's actually good we have this intellectual discourse once in awhile. I think we all could learn from each other. Thanks.