I have been in IT - AI for over 30 years and have been on both sides of the interview many times.
My key is simple and is based on: 知己知彼 百戰百勝
Meaning: know yourself and know the other ("opponent"), you'll win ever battle - source:
简介概要 《孙子兵法》是中国最最早的一部兵书,历来备受推崇,研习者辈出。据《汉书·艺文志》记载“吴孙子兵法”八十二篇,司马迁《史...
The military strategies of 《孙子兵法》
The Art of War(English edition)【孙子兵法(英文版)】 Kindle Edition
Sun Tzu on the Art of War: The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise that is said to be the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time.
Years ago, I was taught the two-minute speech to sell yourself and I have rarely interviewed anyone who has any idea about that.
The two-minute speech is to show and sell yourself, the first part of the strategy - 知己知彼
But, I always cut them the slack and just give them the opportunity to fill in the spots:
- past history - how did you get here?
- present - where are you in your life and career?
- future - what is missing and how do you plan to get there?
Why two minutes❓
That's for another time.
Yeah, those conversations I had actually made me wonder if I have been that bad during those times when I was on the other side of the interview and did not make it to the job offer. Maybe even worse than those I interviewed.
That Art of War sounds interesting but...

Maybe I'll look somewhere else later.
I heard about the 2-minute speech and referred to as elevator speech but I never had mine. I once had the exercise in a workshop and I felt it being too scripted thus fake. Anyway, I guess it works for many. It is still a skill that I am learning to make that speech.
yes, it is.
We all should have one for each of our endeavors because in preparing one, it forces you to focus and not ramble in its delivery.
It will if you have not done the soul searching - it should not be canned and will not be if you have done the work. And, besides - it must be updated as you grow.
Once you have mastered the technique - it can be applied to any project or proposal.
I have other interviewing tips that I have learned.
Yes, I guess I haven't really focused enough about that elevator speech. And for some reasons, I have a lot of excuses for that. 😃
Maybe you also want to write about your tips...
It's not about the speech; it's the process that is much more valuable and widely applicable to all your projects!
The book is not available?
This is an ancient book and even the translated books are very old or ancient!
So, look in libraries or resale places for really cheap or just ask around - someone might have one from a long time ago in the garage or attic.
There are book stores here that sell hand-me-down items but you just have to dig through the piles when looking for something. Maybe I'll give it a try sometime and cross my fingers to find that art of war.
Have you read my (@team-ccc) notice? I have reduced SP delegation and will undelegate the SP to you. I'll be sending out STEEM or DEC instead for a number of reasons - please see "post promotion" using DEC - I'll let the author promote his/her own post(s) with the STEEM or DEC as s/he chooses, to avoid confusion or duplication, and instead of me or @team-ccc upvoting which will become symbolic from now on.
No, I haven't read your notice through team ccc but I noticed that you indeed took the delegation back. That is okay, no worries. I will support anything for the betterment of the account. Thanks for the delegation during those times!
What's DEC? Something I may need to learn...
It's explained in detail in today's post - everything.
DEC earned from SP will be distributed to all members instead of upvotes - explained in detail.