My Workshop with Defy Ventures (A piece on Prison Reform)

in #empowerment7 years ago

Yesterday I had the opportunity to give a workshop in San Diego with Defy Ventures, an amazing organization that re-frames both current and formerly incarcerated as Entrepreneurs In Training (EITs) and provides them a long-term suite of services that includes intensive personal and leadership development, competition-based entrepreneurship training, executive mentoring, financial investment, and business incubation.

I first became aware of Defy from an interview on the Tim Ferriss Podcast (a really great podcast to check out btw) and found myself getting in touch with the Southern California Program Manager Quan (pictured to the left) about offering services. He invited me to their monthly meet-up spot (ACLU San Diego - located on 5th Ave & Olive for those ever in need) as one of their monthly speakers.

Podcast Interview:


Pictured with Quan & I are Barbara, Sarah and Donnie - each of whom have small businesses developing over a range of industry; from personalized curated online shopping, to unique CBD healing techniques to pie-baking. I was really humbled to be in a room with everyone and to have the opportunity to engage in amazing conversation.

I'm sharing this story because I really recommend checking out this program for anyone you think may benefit.


that's dope! great work and love how they're including CBD healing. love it!

Thank you! Yeah, my wife is deep into natural healing and back in Med School to get official with everything so I really identified with that EIT's business goals in particular. CBD oil is something we definitely use around the house for pains, specifically her fibromyalgia. I'm all for it. Thanks for reading.


Thanks man