Grass-Not Just Green Under Your Feet
FOR some people, the grass is just a green thing outside the house they should cut. Conversely, for farmers and footballers, the grass is their working field. And, for the kids, the grass is the ideal playground. However, is the term grass only used to describe soil coatings, cultivation, and field matches?
If you live in a high-rise building in the city, you might assume that you do not have much to do with grass of any kind. However, most of us every day deal with a kind of grass and products made from it. Basically, what is the grass? And how do we use them?
What Is The Grass?
Let's look at this mediocre plant. Generally, all types of plants are low and green is called grass. In addition to a variety of plants that are scientifically classified as part of the grass family (Gramineae, or Poaceae), there are also those who consider grasses and tangles as grass. However, only the grass family can be regarded as real grass. Members of the grass family usually have some of the same characteristics. Look carefully at what you think is a grass stalk.
Are the stems round and hollow and the books? Are the leaves long, flat, and narrow, showing parallel rows and out of the midrib around the stem? Do the leaves appear alternately on both sides of the stem, producing two vertical arrangements? What is the root of the fibers and not the riding? Are the flowers-if any-small and not very visible, and forming grains, bunches, or panicles? If the answer is yes, most likely the plant is a member of the grass family.
Health and strength are the keys to the success of different types of grass. Unlike many other plants, grass grows, not at the end, but in the growth areas above the books. And, new shoots may emerge from stems that grow horizontally above or below the ground. So, when the cutting machine or cow gear is trimming the ends, the grass will still grow, while many other plants do not. That is why it is often beneficial to mow grass to grow as well as stop other plant growth, and can make the lawn dense and beautiful.
Multipurpose Plant
Grass is not only the largest but also the family of the most important flowering plants on earth. A botanist says that grass is the foundation of our food. The grass "is like a dam that protects mankind from hunger". Try to remember what you have been eating today. Do you start with a bowl of cereal made from sekoi, rice, wheat, or sorghum? Then you eat grass seeds. Or maybe you eat bread or something. The flour used is made from seeds of grass, rye, barley, and other grains, all of which are grass. Not to mention corn chips (cornflakes) and corn pudding and tortillas made from corn flour. Corn-as you might expect-also grass. Have your sugar or coffee been given sugar? Over half of all the sugar is made from sugarcane, which is the grass. In fact, milk and cheese are arguably derived from grass, because grass is usually eaten by cows, sheep, and goats.
Well, do not worry if your favorite dish is not mentioned. It is not possible to mention all groceries made from grass. According to some estimates, more than half the calories consumed in the world are from grass. Not surprisingly, grass covers up to 70 percent of all the land!
However, grass is not only good for food. If your house has walls made of clay and straw, it is the grass that reinforces the wall. In various parts of the world, the roof is covered with grass. In Southeast Asia, bamboo is used for building skeletons, water pipes, furniture, walls, and more. The mats and baskets are woven from the grass, and the raw material for glue and paper is also derived from the grass. Do not forget your clothes. Most animals, the wool and the skin we get, eat grass. Type of grass Arundo donax provides reeds for wind instruments, such as clarinets. No other material can match a natural reed for this purpose.
Grass covers and decorates many parts of the earth. And what a beautiful, peaceful, and peaceful view of the green pastures or manicured gardens! Because of the enormous number of green plants produced by grass, the grass is the main provider of oxygen. Its fine roots also protect the soil from erosion. Keeping in mind its versatility, we would not be surprised to learn that grass use and cultivation has a long historGrass-Not Just Green Under Your Feet
FOR some people, the grass is just a green thing outside the house they should cut. Conversely, for farmers and footballers, the grass is their working field. And, for the kids, the grass is the ideal playground. However, is the term grass only used to describe soil coatings, cultivation, and field matches?
If you live in a high-rise building in the city, you might assume that you do not have much to do with grass of any kind. However, most of us every day deal with a kind of grass and products made from it. Basically, what is the grass? And how do we use them?
What Is The Grass?
Let's look at this mediocre plant. Generally, all types of plants are low and green is called grass. In addition to a variety of plants that are scientifically classified as part of the grass family (Gramineae, or Poaceae), there are also those who consider grasses and tangles as grass. However, only the grass family can be regarded as real grass. Members of the grass family usually have some of the same characteristics. Look carefully at what you think is a grass stalk.
Are the stems round and hollow and the books? Are the leaves long, flat, and narrow, showing parallel rows and out of the midrib around the stem? Do the leaves appear alternately on both sides of the stem, producing two vertical arrangements? What is the root of the fibers and not the riding? Are the flowers-if any-small and not very visible, and forming grains, bunches, or panicles? If the answer is yes, most likely the plant is a member of the grass family.
Health and strength are the keys to the success of different types of grass. Unlike many other plants, grass grows, not at the end, but in the growth areas above the books. And, new shoots may emerge from stems that grow horizontally above or below the ground. So, when the cutting machine or cow gear is trimming the ends, the grass will still grow, while many other plants do not. That is why it is often beneficial to mow grass to grow as well as stop other plant growth, and can make the lawn dense and beautiful.
Multipurpose Plant
Grass is not only the largest but also the family of the most important flowering plants on earth. A botanist says that grass is the foundation of our food. The grass "is like a dam that protects mankind from hunger". Try to remember what you have been eating today. Do you start with a bowl of cereal made from sekoi, rice, wheat, or sorghum? Then you eat grass seeds. Or maybe you eat bread or something. The flour used is made from seeds of grass, rye, barley, and other grains, all of which are grass. Not to mention corn chips (cornflakes) and corn pudding and tortillas made from corn flour. Corn-as you might expect-also grass. Have your sugar or coffee been given sugar? Over half of all the sugar is made from sugarcane, which is the grass. In fact, milk and cheese are arguably derived from grass, because grass is usually eaten by cows, sheep, and goats.
Well, do not worry if your favorite dish is not mentioned. It is not possible to mention all groceries made from grass. According to some estimates, more than half the calories consumed in the world are from grass. Not surprisingly, grass covers up to 70 percent of all the land!
However, grass is not only good for food. If your house has walls made of clay and straw, it is the grass that reinforces the wall. In various parts of the world, the roof is covered with grass. In Southeast Asia, bamboo is used for building skeletons, water pipes, furniture, walls, and more. The mats and baskets are woven from the grass, and the raw material for glue and paper is also derived from the grass. Do not forget your clothes. Most animals, the wool and the skin we get, eat grass. Type of grass Arundo donax provides reeds for wind instruments, such as clarinets. No other material can match a natural reed for this purpose.
Grass covers and decorates many parts of the earth. And what a beautiful, peaceful, and peaceful view of the green pastures or manicured gardens! Because of the enormous number of green plants produced by grass, the grass is the main provider of oxygen. Its fine roots also protect the soil from erosion. Keeping in mind its versatility, we would not be surprised to learn that grass use and cultivation has a long history.
History of Grass
The first time the grass mentioned in the Bible is daly.
History of Grass
The first time the grass mentioned in the Bible is dal
.. That is all and thank you...
Yes. thank you