Developmen and Technological Advancement

in #en-us8 years ago

The development of this technology now hasmany remarkable progress shows. Many things of the life sector who have used the existence of the technology itself. Its presence has provided a considerable impacton the lives of human beings in various aspects and dimensions. Such is the case with communications technology that is thehardware equipment in the organizational structure that contains the value of the socialthat allow individuals to collect, process andexchange information (according to theRogers,1986). Circumstances, where a technology capable to change somethingthat is not necessarily can be made into areality. For example, if the first person cannot speak with others who are in a place that isfar away, then after the phone people can talk without limits of time and distance.

From this, again with the discovery of varioussimple devices, ranging from analog-basedphones, developed and developing, continueto appear a variety of other electronicdevices. Until these technologies integratewith each other. Existing communication technology is an answer of the times. This happens because of growing forwardahuman civilization then technology willcontinue to undergo development to alignpatterns developing era of mankind itself.

  1. The notion of communication technologyand information technology

According to Rogers,1986 technology ishardware equipment in the organizational structure that contains the value of the socialthat allow individuals to collect, process andexchange information (in the quotation fromthe lecture material development of communication technology, Jamroji s. Sos:p. 1). It can be said that communications technology is a new discovery in the aspect of life where each individual can use, access, and provide all the information to other people universally. While according to Ely, 1982 is the information technology, namelyincluding communication systems such asdirect broadcast satellite, interactive two-waycable, broadcasting on low-powered9low-power broadcasting), computers (includingpersonal-computer handheld computer and a new one), and television (including videodiscs and video cassete tape), (quoted fromcommunication technologies in perspectiveBackground & development, ZulkarimeinNasution. 1989:5). Between communication technologies with information technologyitself are actually intertwined. but still there is the side that distinguish between the two.

  1. Development of communication technology

At this time the need for technology,information and telecommunicationstechnology was very high from the start tothe middle to the bottom and the middle to the top. All individuals desperately needtechnology to accelerate development orimproving the construction of both individual and group development. The development of technology which is currently very quickly is the communications technology, which presents a selection of forms technology andsophistication.

Development of the communication itself is actually in line with the life and existence ofmankind itself. There are four maindeterminant point in the history of human communication. According to Nordenstrengand Varis (1973) are:

  1. Acquisition (aquisition) language that is at the same time with the birth of a human being.

  2. the development of the art of writing witha communication based on the talk. 3.reproduction of the written word (writtenwords) by using the alt printer, allowing the realization of mass communication.

  3. the advent of electronic communications,ranging from the Telegraph, telephone, radio, television, up to the satellite.

(quoted from communication technologies in perspective Background & development,Zulkarimein Nasution. 1989:15). According to Alvin Toffler there are three civilizations in the development of the technology itself that is, the age of the agriculture, industry and the last days of the age of information (citedfrom communication technologies in perspective Background.

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