Don't just think your alternative Media like infowars or Milo or even me yours truly TGR.News is guilty of things like speaking up for a Revaluation, from CNN to Fox or even to now MSNBC Donny Deutsch calls for A revaluation against trump to 80 year old citizens to 12 year old children to take to streets.
The idea that now mainstreaming media has been label as Fake News is been a structure issues but again this has been a deep rooted issues, for years before Trump became President, as for the FBI even known to be not trusted by many issues that hung over its head when it came to politics has yet been nothing new either.
The facts that actuly facing more Mainstream Media allowing reverse racsim and advaction for violence through Revaluation by hosting people on there show has been nothing new neither, as left call the right racist we also have to face how racially ignorant at the same when facing off.
The most likely idea that knowing that people hoping after the big tax cuts came that Republican party would go back on throwing Trump the buss says alot when it comes to could have voted for Trump and why after all money would be a motivated reason.
Although in the end many call for a Revaluation in many different ways we now know that the hypocrisy that mainstream media can hold and abilty to send that message support to help influce of the hatred of the loss that the left had dramatically loss over the U.S.