Hey all! Here for the first time and working on diving into this thing. 😄 My name is Helen Watson, and I'm almost 40. I have 2 great kids. One who will graduate HS in the spring, and one who has a ways to go. I have a loving husband and we are living with his parents right now to help out all involved.
I am not really good at talking about myself, but I'll take a bash at it. I am a crafter working on starting a business selling what I make. Truthfully, I've been working on it for a while, but the long and bumpy road has just made me more determined, I think. I make various types of jewelry as well as crochet and knit. I am working on learning how to make incense and moisturizing soaps, but the progress has been slow. I have made some good non-combustible incense, but it's the combustible ones like sticks and cones that most people want to buy (less mess), and they are a little more expensive to make. But I digress...
I like pretty much all types of music, though I can be picky about the artists. I love to read, write stories, draw, and paint. I am also working on being a published author, but have yet to finish my first book, or have the courage to actually turn it in when it is done... But I have the support of great friends and family, so I think that will turn into a moot point when the book is done. I'm not afraid to dream or work, so I have that going for me too.😉
I work as a merchandiser part time, homeschool my kids (through an online public school), work on my crafts, and take care of as much as I can as I am able. I have some physical and health issues that sometimes hold me back, but I work hard not to let them hold me down, so no pitty parties please. 😎
Well, I am not sure what else can be said right now. I am glad to be accepted as part of this community, and hope to meet and learn from as many people as possible. So, I will post again when I can think of some good ideas.
Later! 😄
Yay Helen's here! Welcome, fren! 😄
Welcome to the blockchain Helen! :) It's really good to see you here and I love all types of music too :) Except really really death metal.
Do you know Vegan Black Metal Chef?
Ikr? The first time I saw an episode I laughed so hard. In one episode, his fancy evil-looking knife breaks and there's actually a lyric like, "Goddamn this piece of shit kniiiiiiiiife!"
That would have been pretty epic :) I can picture how hard you'd be laughing :) :)
I'll give er a listen!
Thank you. 😄
Pleasure to e-meet you. Keep up the good fight. part time merchandiser but full time mom :)
Thank you. 😄
Wonderful beginning Helen......I wish you much luck here on Steemit.
Thank you.
welcome @yorutsuki
welcome to Steemit! wish you all the best (no pity :) )
Can't wait to hear more about you book, keep doing it!
Thanks! 😄
Welcome! I am very pleased to welcome you to a group as enriching as steemit. In this community you can find the tools to achieve your success ... I invite you to view my post. A hug.
Okay... didn't mean to upvote this... I was trying to see who did so that I could visit their blogs, too... 😣 Wrong button demons strike again... lol, but this noob, will figure it out, lol 😅