<Introducemyself> My challenge to post in English.

in #en7 years ago (edited)



Today, I signed up STEEMIT and I would like to introduce myself in English. Actually, posting in English will be a challenge because English is my second language, but I want to do my best to share more truthfull information with more people through English. Now, I am interested in human being's unlimited ability, oriental religions and health food due to reading many books and oriental nature. In 2017 was a very difficult time for me. My old sister is battling with cancer, my father is suffering from dementia and I have to leave Australia after two months. However, I am happy because I have a lovely daughter and wife. !https://steemitimages.com/DQmdNSuNpo2ZHzXpdoqhoan4h5JjRGLT4oQREPv1UCRZoE4/DSC03336.jpg Now, I live in Gold Coast. As you can see, many people enjoy doing surfing and swimming, but I had never been able to enjoy nature before I used to live in the city. However , I realized that beautiful nature seems to heal my body and heart. In the near future, I will introduce it to you that the human being , subconscious beyond the many things we thought were limitations, oriental thoughts and amazing health foods that I have not known yet until Benefit All Mankind. Furthermore, you can see that my English skills are getting better. I hope to share people's truth to illuminate the earth. Peace.

Happy new year my friend and welcome to steemit.
I'm glad you joined and would be happy to follow you ..
Have a good time and every question you have I would love to answer you ..
Note that there are robots here and you will be aware of it

Thank you for your comment, good mate, and Happy happy joy joy.

hopefully you feel at home here. 😊welcome to steemit @benefit-a-m6, best regards..

A happy new year that brings your luck and fun.

Welcome to Steem!

Happy new year and joyful in 2018

Hi and welcome. Happy new year!

thanks, mermaidvampire. Happy new year too.