End of Relationship
My friend
my boy fiend and
my lover
wanted to married but,
now I just realize that it was nothing between me and him.
Isn’t weird?
Yes it is.
I believe if you love some one from your heart then he / she would goanna feel you.
But here no nothing. If I tell him I miss you he lets me,, o really,,????
if I say ,, I love you baby ,, he goes I am acting. , this is life no body is perfect.
We can’t see dream. Is it love?
I am still making my self not to thinking abut him but I feel him. Their is lot of staff that I don't like on him.
But I just fell him.
I will not goanna have talk to him any more in my life but ill still goanna love him.
1st time in my life I love some one but I cant be with him coz he never understand me and always thought that I am making fun of him .
But it is ok.
I am just want to say that I want to hate you.
And I am trying.
And I guess I can.
I don't want any one that act with me that he loves me.
and I don't want any one that say to his friend ... ,, o , you request me that's why I talk to her back ,, don't want you baby , don't need you any more . Yes I always talks abut breaking off the relation coz I always get afraid to lose you from my life.
but now I get it u never be mine so their was no nothing but still inside my heart I fell you ...