State Enabled Psychopaths

in #endthestate9 years ago

I do root cause analysis for a living related to network infrastructure, business consulting. Folks tell me I'm good at it, so here goes my 2c.

This is a case study in psychopathic use of coercion and force. However...

If you look at the root of this issue these two psychopaths would not have had this tool at their disposal were it not for the tyranny of our own damn government.

These officers did a GREAT job. I do question the viability of funding such an exercise in a stateless society; but dispute resolution organizations and similar structures have been proposed to break the Monopoly. That topic is for another time.

You see the officers here did a great job in stopping the perpetrators and they would be great employees of a non-monopolized Force. But the simple fact is none of this money would need be spent; and these frankly evil people would not have had that tool at their disposal; were it not for the Monopoly of the state.

They (state) made it illegal to make a personal choice. They setup the landscape in which these scum thrive.

#endthestate #decriminalize #endthedrugwar

This is an outstanding article series. Check it out.