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RE: Proof the End of Time is Nigh?

in #endtimes6 years ago

When that blockchain exists - the one that houses the history of the world, will it make sense to still be calling it the year 2030 or 2040? If verifiable history only goes back a few years, then at this point, it will make sense to be rid of the time line as we know it, and to introduce a brand spanking new one, starting again at year 1.

In ever thought of that before, but it makes a lot of sense to me. Very interesting indeed! I like how your mind works!

A new timeline needs a deity, of course, and which deity that will be, I could not tell you. But perhaps government will be the new God. If such a digital age arrives, as the trajectory of recent history would suggest it will, then government will have become God. The all-seeing, all-knowing, and ominpresent traits we ascribe to the divine will be at the finger tips of government, and all of a sudden we may find ourselves under the thumb of a beast with god-like power.

I wonder if this all happened in the past? Like the mark of the beast and all that? Maybe history is repeating. Reminds me of the end of the Matrix movie where they say the experiment happened numerous times before, maybe the experiment keeps happening until some desired outcome? If so hopefully we can alter the course of that! But.. Seems so unlikely when the ones in power have so much power and the ones who resist seem so unorganized and lacking similar resources and tools.

We seem to have something they don't though, or at least we have it in levels they don't seem to have.. Love. But will it be enough? I have my doubts. I hope so, though I definitely have my doubts.


I wonder if this all happened in the past? Like the mark of the beast and all that? Maybe history is repeating.

I wonder the same thing myself, especially when I look at the ouroboros symbol, which it seems may be a hint at this being the case.

We seem to have something they don't though, or at least we have it in levels they don't seem to have.. Love. But will it be enough? I have my doubts. I hope so, though I definitely have my doubts.

I think they have love too. Just for money and power rather than people. Lol.

I wonder the same thing myself, especially when I look at the ouroboros symbol, which it seems may be a hint at this being the case.

Yeah.. I'm reminded of that movie/book Hunger Games.. Maybe it's kinda like that and they have a highly advanced break away civilization and play the earth sort of like a big game of chess or risk or something like that and they keep us in the dark as to what's really going on while they keep doing whatever it is they're doing from the comfort of their spaceships and hidden bases in Antarctica or on the moon or wherever, heh.

I think they have love too. Just for money and power rather than people. Lol.

I agree. I just meant they probably have less love. And I think love is very powerful, so maybe we have some sort of chance if we can tap into it more.

Just letting you know I will respond to all your messages tomorrow or the next day as on a fast and brain feels spent.

Understood! Thanks for the update and.. No worries, take your time.

Here's that post I was gonna write that explains why I no longer fear for the safety of my loved ones; at least not when I know I am making the best possible choices.

I think you forgot to include the link? I'm not seeing it..