New Earth Update, December 2018

in #endtimes6 years ago (edited)

Ok, I've kinda promised to do this - write about the state of our reality. What is really going on out there. Lately I always seem to get stuck on where to begin with it when I'm talking or writing about things. But I've got a pile of notes I've written to myself.

I'm here today after seeing the stars early this morning. I got up to let dogs out for a short spell and it was still very dark. But crystal, crisp cold and clear, utterly beautiful, my sky. The Orion Constellation was facing me right out of the door to the west! Dark enough to see the stars really well, and not a cloud in the sky. It was the stars that got me thinking about this article.

I think I have been somehow ... experiencing two realities that overlap and interchange. I think it is Mars and New Earth. My Solar Return chart for the year shows me with Gemini on the lowest point, which is an indication of where you are standing! Gemini is the duality of twins, if you didn't know. Two places that are (or were, at one time) very much alike. Twin planets, twin realities.

(just heard, "mars was the original heart")
Which also means that I'm being encouraged to share, if I'm getting messages like this as I'm composing. Whew! There is a lot of pressure coming from spirit guides sometimes. To post or not to post. (Thanks for cooperating, guys.)

I think that's Heart, losing the H at the beginning of the word and dropping it to the back as the last letter and becomming Earth. I've seen this before so this is familiar territory for me. The dynamics of these two words are a metaphorical description of deeper meaning. Think of it as a short and symbolic version of Earth's history.

Okay then. Stars.

Fairly recently, there was a mass closure on all of 'earth's' public domain telescopes. What ever happened with that? Are they still closed?

The very most interesting thing happened to me, when that was in the news, about those telescope closures. I was standing outside watching the night sky a few nights in a row, and I was noticing this one star that had been showing up in the same spot for months!! When I first started watching it, I had it identified as Mars (from the circulating astrology/astronomy news) and it was directly south of me, low in the sky but not too low. This would have been mid to late summer in the USA. It was bright and very yellow. Only after it stayed there I started to figure out that it probably could not be Mars. So I took off my glasses and stared at the light for a bit, and opened myself to ... well, to answers. I had a clear vision of a star that, coincidentally, I am reasonably familiar with.


Meet Eta Carina, aka Eta Carinae (in Latin). Also known as The Great Ship. The ONE star that science knows of, that completely defies the laws of physics. Most stars in the known universe are, as it turns out, Binary stars. That is, they are a single functioning entity in a sense, but there are two of them and usually they circle one another. Ie, Sirius A and Sirius B are perfect examples. This star is one of the very rare, NON binary stars that are known. I don't know if I can even name any others. It was considered the largest star in the entire known sky of stars until the recent discovery of VY Cannis Majoris. Only, it could only be seen from the Southern Hemisphere, in current history. Australia.

Now let me see if I can explain this. Why the physics of this star are contrary to what science knows or believes. Its the jets of gas. They rotate contrary to scientific principle. Like, totally opposite of what they should be doing. Also this is the one that was circulating around new age circles from the Art Bell Show and Kent Steadman's Cyberspace Orbits website in the late 1990's - the one that had captured several angels as light images next to it. Captured by the Hubble Telescope. I think those are the two little stars you see in the upper left of the picture.


Also, like our Sun, Eta Carina is a rare YELLOW Sun. If you look it up, Google says that Earth's Sun is a green sun. Not true!! My husband is a physics genius photographer with a Bachelor's Degree in Film. Early in our relationship I remember having several discussions about the light spectrum on Earth. At the time I remember him telling me that the light on Earth appears green, but it is actually yellow, from the Sun. So it often needed a blue filter to correct the light for photography. THAT was from the days before the Internet really got going and books were the primary source of such information.

So, there's Eta Carina, smack dab in the middle of our sky now! And it seems closer than it 'should' be! (Or not). It is not where it should be as I am in the Northern Hemisphere, or was, on Old Earth. A couple of other changes. There was a Pluto retrograde that came up recently and I was 'told' that it didn't happen, and that in 'our' sky, Pluto was at a slightly different location than in Earth's sky (but still in the same sign of Capricorn).

Yesterday, another message. Chiron's recent retrograde into Pisces for a short time. I'm told that this didn't happen either, from the standpoint of New Earth. Somehow Chiron stays in Aries for the duration of that retrograde, which is (or would have been) a very 'shallow and short' retrograde - it only reverses into the last sign and out of it again, by just a few degrees, according to Earth star charts. AKA The Ephemeris.

I'm thinking ... this last clue is the most important. It explains itself!
Yes I know where we are.


Chiron in the sign of Aries is the sign of self, I AM. It says 'here.'
Here I am.

Oh yes! I had a vision earlier of Saturn. From 'our' new location!! Close by. Sometimes!! But that fits. Our orbital path lies between Saturn and Uranus in our new solar system.

Ok, I mentioned Wolfstar.
Have I ever shared that I don't believe this was a real discovery? That it was 'made up' by the powers that be for some strange and dark purpose, probably connected to the control and manipulation of the masses by the elite?

Q made a very strange statement recently. From November 30, 2018:

"Re: GHWB USSS code name re: Timber wolf
The grey wolf (Canis lupus; also known as timber wolf) shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog.
State funeral next week.

Strangely enough, at the time I was 'working' a genetic problem/issue. The healing of organisms and the genetic code. Regarding wolves and dogs!! I was seeing that wolves are not going to stay around as part of New Earth. Only dogs. Dogs are descended from wolves that went into the ocean eons ago because competition for food had made life difficult for them. So they became dolphins and whales. Its there in the fossil records. Dogs are descended from whatever came BACK from the ocean in canine form, onto land. I would imagine it has something to do with our 'relocation' in time/space, being cleared in a sense. Oh yeah, and we are losing sharks also. All except for the gentle ones, the Nurse and Whale sharks.


I've written a few articles on New Earth and the Untied States.
I just remain open to see what this amazing new world is all about!

The shifts that got us 'here.' Hurricane Irma in August 2017 'caused' the split, or were the focus of it. Months after things calmed down, I was having visions from the standpoint of a drone! So I was looking at the landscape as if I were flying overhead. I only got a few of these visions before I found myself overwhelmed by other issues. But from 'here' (The Big Island, not to be confused by Hawaii on Old Earth) and to the current east of me (from what would have been Colorado, USA on Old Earth) - what would have been the east coast of the USA. I saw a lush landscape of water and small islands that just kept going.

Oh yes, and The Sun! 'It' (I say that, AND I've seen that there are two, actually but not on a regular basis in my sky ... yet) ... It is farther away from us but much brighter than it used to be! Have you noticed just how bright the Moon has been shining from it's reflection of The Sun's light?

Very recently I found a photo on my Facebook feed that triggered me, this is new.


And this one:

The caption says its a pod of 2000 dolphins. When I first saw it I heard "millions." Those are some happy dolphins! And they are out there in that open expanse of ocean on New Earth.

These two images triggered me to see more of the picture. All of the landmass here on New Earth is laid out in what could be viewed as a scattered group of islands all very close together, as if in a single landmass that takes up close to half or a little more than half of the planet surface. The rest is open ocean! Looking from this very point in the photograph to the southwest, which I believe is, or used to be, San Diego, California. This is very similar to something I've noticed on Mars. There is a strange geological formation that looks as if half of the planet surface was peeled off, like you might skin an orange. Just an interesting coincidence worth mentioning.

Oh yes! The ocean basin.
Mars once had an ocean.

We are the same size as Mars! Which means that we are approximately 1/3 smaller in size than Earth. In fact, we are twin planets, New Earth and Mars. Its Martian oil that's getting us through right now while changes are being made. Letting go of Fossil Fuels with some wiggle room for the development of alternative energy.


Our physics are different! The X Y Z axis of time/space/dimension. It is not possible for planes to fly in our sky and I think that what we have been seeing is some kind of mass illusion and interference. It took almost two months for planes and chemtrails to start showing up again in the sky here, after the shift in August 2017. The ocean has risen a LOT. Sort of, but the planet is smaller in size so of course there's less space and the same amount of water as before. I've mentioned Denver Beach and the snap of the techtonic plate to the east, er, east of my location. So lets say... where the Big Colorado Island starts would be roughly ... 4,500 - 5,000 feet in elevation (Denver is the Mile Hi City, or used to be, now it is closer to sea level). So everything drops in a sense. In other words, Denver would now sit at roughly 500 - 1,000 feet above sea level. I am taking an educated guess on this, I have no exact measurement so far.

The different physics and also the slightly different dynamics of water, are key for understanding that we have real Free Energy available to us on New Earth.

I know this doesn't sound very scientific. But. I believe that what explains a lot of this is a form of magic that science cannot define, under its current limitations and blind judgments. The Earth or Terra, the planetary blueprint, is a ROGUE planet. I saw this years ago. Its 'manifestation' mechanism allows it to do the most interesting things. Through its soul journey, it has gone through many experiences. As I've said before, this planet is, in and of itself, a Christ Being. Which means it is a conscious entity, capable of resurrection (on its own terms) after the experience of death and transformation. Mars and even Venus, I believe, are testaments to this fact - they are old blueprint manifestations of this same planetary entity. But when it changes position (after death) it is capable of manifesting itself and all of the planets and stars around it in a new location! Which, I still can't say I fully understand. But I think that when the Catholic Church said that the Earth was the Center of the Universe, it was correct.

The elephant in the room is, what will happen to Earth?

I've spent a large portion of my life, devoted to saving Her ... call me a guardian angel of the highest order. I have managed to divert a great many shifts along the way, keeping people safe. But it is too late. Baby Boy Rhino is part of it all... or just one of many clues. He's a witness, so to speak, charged with the task of overseeing the emptying of the Guf, or the Well of Souls. Over about the next twenty years. There are no more new souls being generated 'on earth.' That wellspring has dried up and died.

I've had a few realizations in recent months about this. For one, the 'human architects' that ... had a hand in Earth's formation using the original blueprint, sabotaged Her from the beginning. It was never possible for Her to recover from it, I realize now. I am talking about the hollow space that started out under Antarctica and has been shifting in some extremely volatile ways. This bubble was created for the sake of control, ie underground bases, etc. for the benefit of the powers that be. What I saw recently was a migration of this underground bubble, from Antarctica, thinning out, inching along under the planet's crust, and trying to clear out through a giant rift in Africa. It is a given that it will change the size and shape of the planet after it has cleared, if it continues with what has been happening.

I recently learned of something else. In August 2017, the Moon was remote detonated over Earth and was lost! It reformed itself alongside the resurrection of New Earth - they are linked. This event may even be causal to all of the hurricanes that seemed so sudden and intense in volatility at that time! Just another mistake in human judgment, but it happened in the past. Or not a mistake this time. But Mars is testament - The Martian Moons of Phobos and Deimos were created in this same way, a detonation of the Moon from that old timeline. There is no Moon in Old Earth's sky! THIS is the explanation for what's happening to not only the water on Earth, but from my recent visions it looks like total stagnation of the planet's vital energy systems. Tides and weather are not functioning. I was thinking that the water was being lost, probably into the hollow space under Antarctica. There is a dry sandbar on Earth now, that extends from just east of Florida in the USA down past Brazil on the east coast of South America in what was the Atlantic Ocean.


The shock is just ... the extent and depth of the deception that keeps people from knowing what is happening, on a planetary, public state of awareness and scale. I think ET must have a hand in this also. But also, I get that people close to these anomalies DO know. No matter what the mass media is implying.

Speaking of this, deception by the Deep State. Today is supposedly, the funeral day for George Bush Senior. I specifically remember him dying quite recently, he and his wife went within weeks of each other. I researched it and Google says that Barbara Bush died in April 2017. I am shocked that this fake news has been so easily accepted by the public at large in the face of recent memory of the (real) death of the Bushes just months ago. But I am also thinking, it is either a test, or a way that 'someone' in power is trying to tell us what is really going on, counting on reasonable human memory and questioning of authority. Or both. Also Daddy Bush was tied to the extinction of 'old wolf' consciousness from future life on New Earth.

I am coming to see Old Earth as Purgatory, a ... way station for people to learn their lessons and move on, for those who have failed to progress. What is happening now and in the future there, is meant to teach the harsh lessons that are needed by those who just plain refuse to grow, and who remain a threat to any other place. I had imagined that we would be able to travel back to Earth and study it, the death of a complex, living (conscious) planetary entity. Now it seems that Earth is being isolated and cut off (by ET?). Its purpose now seems to be to act as some kind of monument for history, an example ... but not just that. I feel that it is a place for the dead. A place for all the things that could not, or that failed to be healed or resolved. A solemn graveyard and an irrefutable reminder, once realized.

Royksopp and Robyn, Monument

LR 12/5/2018

Images: courtesy of Google Images, also Facebook

Officials shed little light on closure of solar observatory

Angels in Space
Link to Cyberspaceorbits (still around!!)

Chandra Observatory re: Eta Carina, the Mothership

Nurse Sharks

Baby Boy Rhinoceros

Does our sun have a name?


I've been watching that star!! Again ... its the end of January 2019. I am noticing that it has an interesting orbit. Since about late spring 2018 I was watching it hover in my southern sky in the same place for months!! This bright yellow star, that at first I thought was Mars. I've seen it vary over a short span by a few degrees here or there, for like a week or so, and then wind up back in the same place again. Last night I got a bead on it and it had moved up in the sky (higher in position relative to the last horizon line it was pretty much, staying with before now) but now it is further west. South-south west, even just a bit more west but not even due west, in my early night sky. I feel that its appearance coincides with New Earth's manifestation, which happened at the end of August 2017. I just didn't know to watch for it until I noticed it. So where it began in the night sky some ... lets see. Seven or eight months prior. I do not know.
LR 1/30/2019