Private revelations aggregated on Saturday, December 28, 2019 at 07:37 PM.

in #endtimes5 years ago

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Saturday, December 28, 2019
Message URL:

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

"It is tradition in the mainstream public this time of year that people begin to consider resolutions of behavior for the New Year ahead. I am speaking to mankind in the here and now. The greatest resolution you could ever make for any timespan is fidelity to My Commandments. This is the way to Heaven."

Visionary: John Leary
Received on: Friday, December 13, 2019
Message URL:

Friday, December 13, 2019: (St. Lucy) Jesus said: “My people, you all are well aware of praying to St. Lucy for problems of the eyes. Many people take their sight for granted, until something like cataracts interferes with their sight. You have seen your wife and her brother have to deal with operations on their eyes for cataracts. When you get older, you sometimes require glasses to see small print. Be thankful to Me for your gift of sight, and you can ask St. Lucy’s intercession for your eye problems."

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages that your enemies would launch a nuclear EMP attack on your nation. You may be able to knock down some missiles with your anti-missiles. Some missiles will get through your defenses, and they will strike some of your cities and take out your electric grid. Your submarines will launch a first strike to take out the electric grids in China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. If much damage occurs in your cities, a second attack from your submarines would be on the major cities and military sites of your enemies. This will happen after the Warning, and I will call on My faithful to come to My refuges before such an attack. Many people could be killed in such a nuclear battle. All of My faithful will be protected at My refuges by My angels, so have no fear of such an attack."

Visionary: Clare du Bois,, Taos, NM
Received on: Monday, July 29, 2019
Message URL:

Thank You, Jesus, for Your unfailing patience with Me.

Forgive me for trying to act from the flesh. Please help me to live by Your Spirit alone. Amen.

My precious and faithful Family, as you can tell by the lack of messages, we have been very, very busy. And also, I've had some down days with Fibromyalgia.

More than normal. More than usual. The monsoons are here, and I think that has something to do with it.

So, I've been coping, and some days I'm down for half a day. And that really takes a portion of the day down.

Anyway, we are getting reports from some of our prayer warriors about Iran preparing for a war, testing mid-range nuclear weapons. So, I know that many of the diverse sufferings we have gotten are related to that Simon's Cross. If you are feeling unusually burdened, that could be the cross you are carrying for the Lord.

One of our prayer warriors has been seeing in the spirit, and while praying in tongues over the Lord's Supper, many Truth swords over Washington DC. The angel of Justice holds a Truth sword, shining the Light of Christ over that place. Dark clouds of demonic networks are being dispersed. Truth is coming out. We probably won't get half of it, but those who need to know-- they will get everything they need to deal with the evil in our government.

"Iran is quickly becoming the fastest growing church in the world. I saw, while praying in the spirit a few weeks ago, the Prince of Persia being bound by great chains. St. Michael was seeing to this, with innumerable angels under him." And that's a contribution from one of our prayer warriors.

Here's the latest on the Refuge. We have 9 lovely people up there with 4 more coming very soon. Actually, as of tonight, perhaps 6 more. They pray together, work together and share their readings for the day. And pray for one another. For most of them, it's really, really a different experience, because they're used to being in a place that's hostile to what they believe. And everyone from different parts of the world is enjoying that fact that we're a Family, and we all get along together really well. Because we all believe the same things.

I've tried to be really careful to draw attention to the ways the enemy can get in and cause division. And everyone is being very careful.

Nana and Gabriel have been down here in Taos, and we were led by the Lord to do a food bank for the outlying areas of the mountain. I had done this once before, delivering food to the little widows who live alone and are lonely. It is so sweet to see their eyes light up with joy when we come.

Of course, not everyone is happy to see us... One lady looked at us with great suspicion and fear. Oh, I felt so bad for her! She looked really frightened. I wish I knew why she was so afraid of us? I used to bring food to her father 12 years ago, but she was obviously not wanting anything to do with us. So, we did pray for her, that God would bless her.

Our next door that we knocked on was opened by a very sweet woman with a BIG smile. I didn't do anything to deserve that, but I sure was glad to see it. She had just lost her step- father, and I could see his hospital bed through the window, because they hadn't come to pick it up yet from the rental place. Please pray for Christine and her family, that they can recover from this loss.

I remember how the Lord wept when He experienced the sting of Death through Lazarus. He hates death and has done away with it for those who believe. Something very sweet was awakened in me, a certain kind of caring that I hadn't felt since my food bank days. Seeing the suffering of those who lost loved ones, really made a deep impression.

The Lord also prompted us to pray for those who would have prayer. A wonderful thing happened! An elderly lady, suffered from back pain for years, and was healed when one of our group prayed for her. And ALL the pain left her back. Oh, My Sweet Lord, thank You. I confess to you, my dear ones, I used to really believe for healings. I've even taught on that. When I first became a Christian, as well. And I've allowed myself to lose that confidence in the Lord's merciful hand.

With Ezekiel, it came back--yet just within the family. I have longed for this gift, so I am going to start exercising it. And if the first prayer doesn't work, I will pray again and again. And again and again... I want to see the joy on their faces when they realized how much the Lord loves them, and that Jesus takes away their pain.

Nana got a reading from Mother Theresa's book today, Jesus, The Word to be Spoken Mother Theresa said, "We have been instrumental in preaching the word of God to the poor, the neglected, the sorrowful and lonely of all nations. Unworthy though we are, God has used us to make Him known and loved by this God-oblivious world. We have the privilege of entering the very homes of the poor and neglected faithful, and thus to pull them and their children out of their beds and bring them together to praise God in the midst of His church, to take part in her sacrifice and to eat the Lord's Supper." Well, that's what Mother Theresa had to say.

This was a tremendous confirmation to us that we need to have an outreach to our neighbors, touching those who are home-bound and forgotten, as well as those who are not yet believers.

We are praying for the family that has blocked the access to our road that leads to the hermitage. Even though the gate they put up is illegal, the Lord does not want us to take our brother to court. But He wants us to pray for this family. Which, I have recently learned, is notoriously difficult to reason with. When God allows this kind of oppression, many times it is because that family is lost and He has chosen us to pray for them, so that they will come into the Kingdom.

Please pray for me, dear ones. It is a battle for me to bless those who have hurt us so much. But if I am going to be called a Christian, I must put my flesh down and love my enemies as the Lord loved the Romans who crucified Him.

I do want to give you a heads up on spiritual warfare. We are learning that the Satanists are cursing us with swords that have their own particular title or curse to them. For instance, we found one today as one of our prayer warriors was hit with an excruciating headache. In the Spirit, I saw a sword driven through her head from ear to ear. On it was written, "Agony." I prayed for it to be removed, and that Holy Spirit would repair the damage done to both the brain and the spiritual head. These cursed swords are being used prolifically to hinder and disable Christians. They are carved on these swords, and so when the sword hits, the curse goes with it. You can take out the sword, but if you don't dismantle that curse, you're still gonna have a problem.

Pray and...


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