Sees Red
By now I'm sure that most of you have seen this story. Those of you who don't just read the headlines and actually read it, then follow up, will know that it was bogus.
Executive Summary
Some kids were standing at the corner waiting for a bus.
Some black political activists started harassing them and calling the kids names.
Another activist approached the kids and started beating a drum, up close and personal in one of the kids face.
The kids did nothing except 'dance tooo the MUSIC!' and sang high school cheers, as the drummer drummed on..oh yeah..they sang school songs.
How Horrible.
The so called news media, both left AND Right...distorted the story and attacked.
wait for it...
not only that..but they attempted to "dox " one of them...and got it all wrong. And now someone who was not even there is receiving death threats.
Gotta love the news..both left and right.
Now the real story is out...
.........let the crocodile tears begin
National Review published a scathing piece by its deputy managing editor, Nicholas Frankovich...then pulled the piece later...and made a non apology apology...how awkward.
Scott Adams screwed up...I thought he was a good guy? Guess I was wrong.
Reason editor Robby Soave did his research and eventually called the story a “rush to judgment.”
..........ya think? Is that reasonable?Meghan McCain. Remember her? The Rino's daughter?
Meghan McCain Retweeted Robby Soave
Robby Soave@MeghanMcCain
My friend @robbysoave is one of the best journalists I know... I, like many others may have reacted too quickly. Apologize for being part of a media pile on. Please read his piece.Meghan McCain added,
1:35 PM - 20 Jan 2019@robbysoave
The Covington / Nathan Phillips incident is shaping up to be as misguided a rush to judgment as the Rolling Stone story. Full video footage largely exonerates the students, explicitly contradicts Phillips. https://reason.com/blog/2019/01/20/covington-catholic-nathan-phillips-video …
One of the best journalists she knows. Right. The video LARGELY exonerates? another non apology apology? The videos show the kids to be the victims. The press are the guilty party.
I fell for the first edited video too. It's #FakNews and these kids are owed a big apology
Never heard of her. Dunno who she is.
I can understand the enemedia's actions. They been doing that since Dan Rather. But I'm SORELY disappointed by the so-call right wing news.
They've shown us their true self and it's not pretty.
...but if the media said so it must be true - Clark Kent always reports the truth or who can the people believe?
The enemedia lies..both right and left.
Thanks for the explanation. I just saw the news title and first paragraph - it sounded so illogical.
Imagine all the people who only read the headlines...what will they continue to think?
They will think what writer wanted them to think when making such headline . . .
a lot of times the headline says the opposite from what the story does.