Energy Update - Reminder To Remain Teachable

in #energy7 years ago

Energy Update - Reminder To Remain Teachable

by Meashenu,
Guest writer,

I have felt & encountered the energy recently around “the cup being too full” issue. I was asking what I could do to help in this matter and writing this article as a reminder is the answer that came to me.

Most of “the cup too full” energy has come from ones that claim they are “already in 5d” and that they don’t need to know anything else because they already know everything. So they mostly go around trying to state their opinions to showcase their “knowledge” with a very egoic energy. Generally I’ve noticed that their answer and suggestions to someone asking for help & going through a hard time are “Well just raise your vibration and be of love and light and you won’t have that problem.” They talk about Oneness and claim to have achieved a level of consciousness, all the while their energy is speaking something else entirely.

Although I highly agree that we should all be of love and light & raise our vibration, I also believe that someone who is going through a (tough) situation that could use some actual techniques and understanding doesn’t need to be told that as a solution. They are working through something and part of their process can’t involve snapping their fingers all the sudden to instantly embody 5d consciousness. Most of the people who have the ability to be at the consciousness level of Love & Light and be completely unaffected by negative energies… don’t need to be told that either since they are already embodying it.

The first month I had my intense spiritual awakening my ego was out of control and I was in that state of my cup was already too full. I found out later this was due to a past life that had surfaced that needed clearing which I did. During that time I had reached out to a couple of spiritual people through emails, who were shamans. Both experiences were very hard for me because in both cases the shamans said I was throwing negative energy at them and that my cup was too full, there was nothing they could teach me. At the same time my shadow self had surfaced and I had to do some extensive work there. Hearing the shamans tell me very bluntly that they could not teach me was a huge lesson for me. I was broken up about it, but I did come out of that having cleared what I needed to, as well as a great reminder to always remain teachable.

Everyone on the planet has a story we haven’t heard and something they can teach us. This includes the plants and animals as well. We can talk to a tree and learn something new.

Another part of this issue I have seen is the issue of getting TOO wrapped up into finding out EVERYTHING on your own. I do agree that we should find answers ourselves directly within our own hearts. However I also recognize that We Are All One and messages and lessons can come from anyone or anything at anytime. It’s ok to ask for help and get help from others, even the ones embodying higher consciousness still ask for help and give gratitude for all of the help that is given to them. So if you are too caught up in ONLY receiving messages and knowledge from yourself, you may miss something that was right in front of you. You may miss seeing a shadow aspect or mirroring aspect that is presenting itself. By refusing to look in that mirror you are only doing yourself a disservice.

When I started feeling or running into this energy of “Cup Too Full” I did some reflecting myself to see if this energy was mirroring something that I needed to look at within myself. If you are in a Facebook group, online, or anywhere interacting with other people, there are always countless opportunities to grow if you pay attention. Did someone say something that pissed you off or upset you? Take note of what that was so you can ask yourself why it bothered you and see if there is more there to look at. You may have had a nasty experience with someone. If that is the case try to see the lesson in that experience and view it as an opportunity to grow from it.

I was recently in the grocery store and at the checkout line the cashier had mentioned to me about other customers talking about cooking meals in an Instant Pot. I thought this was weird at first, but when I got home it felt that him saying that was a message coming from my higher self and guides through that person. They worked with his guides & higher self to tell me that, so that I could look into an Instant Pot for cooking more variety of Vegan meals much easier. Although this isn’t some life changing information, it is a good example of how a message can come through from someone else and how we can be a catalyst for others to receive messages, sometimes without us consciously recognizing it. Could I have received this message myself directly from my guides/higher self? Yes, but it happened this way to be a reminder to me of Oneness and how messages can come from anyone & anywhere, at anytime.

The greatest spiritual teachers are the ones that have never relinquished their title & role as a student. They still view themselves as students and are learning & experiencing new things all of the time. They radiate love & gratitude for the wisdom and knowledge they gain. They recognize we are all one, and that everyone and everything is them and they are everything and everyone. They can easily put themselves in the life and situation of another because they see that they are them in that situation and life, as well as in their own.

Love & Light
