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RE: Over 1000 Euro 1 MW/H power

in #energy3 years ago

The first time those late-night fools will be right and none will witness it.

Yes, probably, we've been pouring hot lava fiat fun voucher into an artificially declining economy, and to balance that out, added a European War and some really good WEF ideas. That is what losing all control looks like.

Only time can tell eventually, I call the first deep dip for the second week of September.


IDK the timing.

But who knows? The worst outcome would be if people do nothing to the point there is no energy left with the mentality

"Everything is fine"

I mean a restart could be "?????",

And if a blackout should happen, we talk about multi billion $ damages.

But looking in the past, where will the tipping point be?

The press has started to prepare the peasants for their next opinion, "Left Party is requesting the stop of electricity exports." sub title down below "Germany is exporting more Gas to France than the other way around". I mean, even the level of speech is already full tard mode.


Countries will stop exporting electricity due to internal pressure and that is the tipping point. From there on EU is a joke and it's chaos on the markets.