It's actually 50% seriously meant, they will lockdown part of everything to create energy rationing and that will accelerate inflation while dumping money into the system to not have people just die of hunger or frost and that will accelerate inflation, you get the spiral I guess.
Try to produce anything while paying 1$/kWh, you can't do shit. You can't move it, can't keep the machines running, you can't keep the heat on and you can't even effort the lights. It's fast-forward to the stoneage.
For real, key this is what's about to be happening.
The Crash has to become real, will take another 2-3weeks.
The propaganda machine will put everything on Putin
Energie will be rationed, they have already put plans for that public. Banns on pool, heating of building over 19°C and so on.
EU Parlament will become useless because none cares anymore due to massive civil unrest in their countries
Governments will declare a state of emergency again, because why not
You will see all kinds of old power plants come back online and we will massively harvest lumber for Dec/Jan/Feb
Governments will become unstable and probably reelections across the board will happen shifting Europe heavily to the right
wild guessing here, Euro will be worth 80-85c$, Markets will take over and capital from all over the world will start coming in, just buying everything.
I'm not sure how much of that is the markets and the extremely dry weather tilting those french mini neclear plants.
That's not the reason lol. European energy politics are made by a 5-year-old retard that can't read or write.
Otherwise, there would be little spikes, but not a European-wide problem.
Btw fertilizer is also 50x in price.
World hunger next.
Let's do more lockdowns will be the solution, retard never learns

the new religion is green!
Don't eat meat,
Don't use energy,
and be very woke.
If you do this, you will probably become fertilizer at some point :D
It's actually 50% seriously meant, they will lockdown part of everything to create energy rationing and that will accelerate inflation while dumping money into the system to not have people just die of hunger or frost and that will accelerate inflation, you get the spiral I guess.
Things speed up faster as we imagine.
And remember,
I told you a week ago. The icebreaker looks to Europe. Big $ can be made if it breaks.
Really big $.
try that move
People that hate Europe or want to make money will now speed up things. you will see.
Just buy energy futures and look at what's about to happen at the end of next week.
yeah, EU will break :D
I see no way how it would not break.
Not a single outcome. It has already become unstable.
The only logical survival would be socialism. They take everything, destroy everything and then ??? happens.
To be real I cant imagine how avg people would pay a 50x energy bill.
even food should be 50x in the midterm + normal gas for trucks and cars.
No way they could cover in any way the demand.
But it was clear. All LNG containerships combined 24/7 could only handle 20% of NS1.
So that was retarded from the beginning.
So the ESG had their way, it happened just a bit too fast.
i want a second season for it :(
was really great
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Season 2 and 3 confirmed.
We need that in the Soonerverse
I won't miss it. But socialists never die without a sound and bloody revolution.
they will take all your money and kill the successful.
No, you can't produce without energy, makes no sense.
what makes no sense?
Try to produce anything while paying 1$/kWh, you can't do shit. You can't move it, can't keep the machines running, you can't keep the heat on and you can't even effort the lights. It's fast-forward to the stoneage.
yeah, and even if you produce something, its not competitive.
And euro becomes weaker because of this.
Weaker euro means more expensive energy,
means higher energy prices.
Hyperinflation will come. There is no way around it ( or 180° change in politics).
But do Europeans really say " we did everything wrong"
I don't think so. They will play the game to the end.
For real, key this is what's about to be happening.
wild guessing here, Euro will be worth 80-85c$, Markets will take over and capital from all over the world will start coming in, just buying everything.
but jokes beside, the time will be really bad for many people.
I mean really really bad. Without a real reason to burn Europe in exchange for nothing xD
Yeah look, we've seen it coming since last year. The level of stupid is just unbelievable.