Cheers buddy.
ahh, yes I guess if you are on a trail that includes you then that could be it. Damn, didn't think of that one... I'm not sure you can be on the trail, but stop it from voting yourself. hmmm
Cheers buddy.
ahh, yes I guess if you are on a trail that includes you then that could be it. Damn, didn't think of that one... I'm not sure you can be on the trail, but stop it from voting yourself. hmmm
LOL, then stop marking me down for something I did not do your honour.
same thing happened to me @deliberator, so I quit following the trail; didn't seem to be a way around it.
There is that, though for me I would rather quit this weekly league than do that, as I see the informatonwars trail and people writing for it more important than me being in this league. So maybe that is the way I will go. :-)
I didn't do it, a bot did it for me? :P
It's true dammit! :)