The Curation and Engagement Leagues πŸ†

in #engagement β€’ 5 years ago

With 30 STEEM and a number of SBI shares to be won - sign up, engage, and win! 🎁

Welcome to the Engagement and Curation leagues. How does your engagement on Steem compare against others?

This weeks Post is sponsored by @esteemapp - A mobile and desktop app for Steem.

Other contests

If you have less than 500 Steem Power, why not join @paulag's Redfish Power-up League? Visit @paulag for the latest 'Red Fish Power-up League' post and register there.

If you have between 500 and 5000 Steem Power, join the @steemcommunity 'Minnow Power-up League' - visit @steemcommunity and register on the latest post.

If you enjoy writing awesome comments, read up on how you can win a delegation on Steem witness, @danielsaori's latest post:


If you are a member/admin of a Steem Community please consider listing your community by visiting this post by @paulag:

This Post will be promoted with @ocdb but word of mouth works even better!

League Info

Would you like to enter the leagues? Make a comment below - this is for a lifetime membership and so you will need to ask to be removed.

The league tables are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!

The Engagement League

This league is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.

Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations over the past couple of weeks.

I've used some metrics relating to:

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Number of people spoken to (PS)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
  • Up-votes to others (V)
  • Up-votes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - a small minus score for this one, sorry! (S V)

Note: Copy/Paste comments will be excluded!

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you among the top 15% of the league entrants!

  • 376 accounts earned a score this week (370 last time)
  • The top 100 produced 748 top level posts (805 last time)
  • The top 100 produced 11250 comments (10515 last time)
  • The top 100 produced over 1.89 million characters of text in comments (1.88 last time)
  • The top 100 cast 30820 votes (41839 last time), of these, 62 were self-votes (59 last time)

Congratulations to this weeks Engagement League winner, @tattoodjay! πŸ†

@tattoodjay takes 1st place for the 2nd week in a row, just holding off the strong challenge of @anroja. Different approaches with amount of text up against a huge number of different individuals spoken too - The former just winning the day this time.

@brittandjosie with another fine week as she's in the top 3 again.

Excellent engagement levels also from @simplymike, @veryspider, @dswigle, @chireerocks, @johannpiber, @amico and @bozz who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.

Those without a self-vote and placed in the top ranks will also receive a little STEEM. These people are: @tarazkp, @soyrosa, @bengy, @steevc, @erikah, @newageinv, @chekohler, @bashadow, @kaerpediem, and @cryptoandcoffee.

Well done everyone!

The Curation League / Rewards based

NOTE: If you have started a power-down or been involved in delegations in/out of your account, you will not appear on this list for 15 days following the activities above. Thanks!

The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.

🎁 Prizes 🎁

The Engagement League

0 votes to self - Spot Prizes

Lucky numbers

Ordered by sponsor offering prize date:

A big thank you to all the sponsors and well done to the winners!

If anyone wishes to sponsor a number give me a shout and I'll try to remember to add it next week :)


  • If you have spotted any glaring mistakes in my post, please let me know so I can fix them

  • If you would like to be added or removed from the master list, give me a shout

  • If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below


Sort: Β 

Thanks, Asher for all the work you do every week putting this together! Congrats to everyone on the list! I'm sending in 2sbi shares for 2nd to @anroja. Short comments add up if you make them to enough different people! Nicely done!

Thank you @melinda010100 for sponsoring me. I am happy with your trust and concern. And thank you to Asher who worked hard every week to unite us

I'm glad you got an extra prize - that number of comments is outstanding! :D

During this time I have free time, so I can actively give comments. Thank you.

My pleasure Melinda. Thank you for sponsoring a number, much appreciated!

Yes the short positive comments to many work well and it's nice to see varying approaches. Have a good week!

Better late than never, I have sent my prize and randoms out!


Nicely done Boomy!

I'll be over to check what beers you had this weekend shortly - I'm assuming quite strong as I did see a mention of hungover sit-ups on Twitter!

They weren't so strong, it was the beers I had after when I went out on the lash that did me in!!! :0) I'm still recovering sob

Thank you for inviting me to the league.It is a great initiative, and something like this is what STEEM needs in order to be successful: people interacting with people sharing similar interests.

A short questions: is the data accessible also in a searchable form? I want to check every week where I stand, but having the tables in a picture format is making it very difficult...

My pleasure 😊

Unfortunately the lists don't present well in searchable form and there are around 350-400 active members.

I'll have a look for you in the excel file later - currently on the phone.

One idea would be to have the excel file in google drive, with read rights for everybody

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats @wonderwop with the original luck number 25 like @glenalbrethsen has called it!
You have been sponsored an SBI share!

Yep, the first sponsor and a the inspiration for others to follow suit. Thanks Peter, and all the other lucky number sponsors!

It is so great that so many people did follow me!
Now it is easy to sponsor the lucky number 25 but when I did start with the initiative I was a hassle to collect one liquid steem per week to sponsor an steembasicincome share!
Glad that I persisted and that we all could give a new dimension to the league!
To bad that I am no where anymore in the league but maybe I will give it another shot this week! Maybe I could reach a top 100 spot. You never know!

The honor is all yours Asher! Amazing what you did with this engagement league! I do think think that it is hard to prove but I am sure that you kept people aboard and create an incredible amount of steem friendships!
Never under estimate what you did here!

Thank you for being the inspiration to so many of us to start sponsoring shares. When I first started, with my payouts being what they usually are, I worried that I wouldn't be able to do it every week, lol. So for the first few weeks, I was like, "can I just do it this week? I might need to stop next week if I don't have it... " XD
Now I'm happy that I've been able to sponsor a spot. This league is really motivating to so many of us! I'm never going to be in the top ten probably, but I'm glad I'm on the board every week!

It for sure is! I used to be on the board. Sometimes even within the top 15. But I am slipping down week by week!
But still I do believe that this is a great way to get introduced to other Steemians. And the more Steemians you know, the better your steem adventures becomes!
Thanks for also covering a spot. With a few more sponsors we could change it into everybody wins :)

That would be amazing!

If you feel at any point in the future (if/when STEEM goes up!) you can't sponsor, don't worry about saying so. Thank you!

Will keep in mind, thank you. :) But hopefully we'll all be doing better financially then!

Wow.... Thank you!

Really kind of you to suggest this little league has helped keep people aboard.

I try to pass the honor to @fulltimegeek as totting up the numbers for his Stewards back in late 2017 was the inspiration for the Engagement League :)

I'm sure it TOTALLY has kept many going through the crypto winter. FT may have been your inspiration, but you are many other peoples'!


Thank you @phoenixwren!

We appreciate you! ^_^

Thank you @fullcoverbetting for the spot sponsorship, without great Steemians like yourself it would be hard to grow here. Thank you, bless you! πŸ™

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad the prize went to a fellow Steemitbloggers community member!
If I am not mistaken this is the second time you did hit the lucky 25!

I believe your right @fullcoverbetting, I may be starting a tread. 🀞

Posted using Partiko Android

Very quiet week for me. This whole work and parenting thing really eats up your time.

And that's perfectly fine, thanks for stopping by 😊

Good job everyone! Although, I thought we had an agreement to do everything exactly the same as last week!

Thanks to @phoenixwren for the SBI share, and one is being registered for @steemflow!

Yeah, @bengy ...

"I thought we had an agreement to do everything exactly the same ..."

.. what is going on around here?

Need to build some sort of consensus mechanism ... That's binding ... With penalties for failure to "perform" ... πŸ˜‰

Hmmm... Sounds familiar... Perhaps some sort of blockchain based thing... pBFT and public.

Just a little attempt at some humor in support of your statement ... πŸ˜‰

Posted using Partiko Android

I didn't do so well this time, but I see you fluked another SBI 😁 Thank you for sponsoring a number!

Ha, fluke? Those with no skill criticise....

... Did you figure out where you going? I just read a post from a few days ago where you were trying to figure out what to do. Maybe you've written a follow up... I should check.


I didn't, but have a fair idea and think it might be the UK. No post as yet, I'm still pondering. cheers :)

Thanks for the time and effort putting this together with its always great to see such a wonderful level of engagement
Congrats to everyone on the list this kind of engagement is what makes steemit special

One SB! share sent to @newageinv for coming in at number 16 on the list

Well done again champ and thank you for sponsoring number 16 :)

MY pleasure to sponsor number 16 :)

Congrats, Jj! Your numbers are admirable!

Thanks I am always surprised to be anywhere near the top of the list

Great job man, I can't believe that comment length number you have! O: And you sponsor a number too, you rock! :)

I have to admit I was surprised by that number as well, I have tried to give more thoughtful comments of recent and thought i had done less comments, but never expected the number to be that high
Its not so much that I actively go looking to make comments but often one comment leads to a string of comments discussing one thing or another and the number si guess just grow without one even realizing it

The Steem equivalent to those random conversations that go on for hours discussing the meaning of life and such. ;) I dig it!

yes indeed, and that just happen at random and can be on all kinds of subjects , which is funny with me as in person I am quite shy and quiet for the most part

Yeah, I'm very outspoken online and very quiet in person, generally. Unless I really know you, or we get going on a topic I'm passionate about or something. Or alternatively, if I'm giving a presentation or on stage in some way. My classmates and teachers always would comment on how I was sooooo quiiiiiet until it was presentation time, then it was like my inner Leo came roaring out all, "HELLO, AUDIENCE!"

We sound very similar, when I get to really know someone and feel comfortable I can be very talkative, I dont like doing presentations and such but when I have to I seem to be able to turn on a different mode in me, but I generally start a bit more subdued LOL

Howdy JJ! another great showing this week, congratulations! One sbi share has been sent to you and congratulations to all who made the charts!

Thanks Kindly appreciated

Another great round, engagement leaguers!!! \o/ Keep up the good work, specially in times of Crypto Winter!!! XD

The chart looks so pretty these days :D Much more so than this long winter which could go on much longer! :'(

For real, I'm ready for Steem to break out of this crypto winter already, this ain't Westeros. Bitcoin is showing signs of spring now.

Promising signs at Bitcoin, bring on the Spring here!

Hey Asher. Thank you for the Steem. Wasn't expecting anything as my feed has come to a crawl this week.Maybe everyone else is in the same boat then.

No worries :)

Yeah I haven't posted every day this week and the top 100 are 8% or so down on last weeks total.

YAY! Another great week. I'm sending my STEEM'ie to give us both another SBI share - we're almost going to the moon so these 0.001 upvotes are going to really count for something soon enough :D

Almost! :)

Thank you very much and well done!

Congrats to @tattoodjay second week in a row my friend, you are good! and @anroja WoW those Numbers. Well done, @simplymike great to stand next to you in the list. The Numbers are different but the leaugue’s still strong, see you all next week winners !
Thanx for another week asher

Congrats to you for number 3, and yes to @anroja amazing numbers congrats on Number 2, and its great seeing so many I know in the list, let's keep Steemit Strong

Thank you @tattoodjay, I applaud you who are always enthusiastic about Steemit

I think what I am enthusiastic about is the wonderful people and sens eof community on Steemit ;)

Yes, I agree with you

Thanks Britt and well done for being super consistent every week!

You are very welcome and thanks

Third place is a proud place to be, go you!

Yesss on mother’s day so I am happy with pain in my jaw after surgery but this helped

Yesss on mother’s day so I am happy with pain in my jaw after surgery but this helped

I've asked this before but how can we see if we are signed up? and what happens if you aren't in the top 15%? Thanks

The whole list is a bit too long to present but you are there :)

Nothing happens at all if you aren't in the top 100 - and appearing/not appearing can easily be changed from one week to the next.

Thanks Asher for putting this together. I’m happy to be in a color.
Thanks to @amico for being sponsor to my number. Although I don’t know what that entails?

My pleasure!

I suspect you will be receiving a @steembasicincome share from @amico :)

Thanks for mentioning eSteem app. Kindly join our Discord or Telegram channel for more benefits and offers on eSteem, don't miss our amazing updates.
Follow @esteemapp as well!

Thanks for all your hard work Asher, put the leagues together for us, week after week, after week!

Congratulations to @tattoodjay and all the other winners... you guys are amazingly impressive! I've only made it into the top-20 once and that seemed like a monumental amount of posting!

Ended up better than I had expected... going to shoot for another busy week, now that I'm truly in the home stretch to get to 500SP and minnowhood!

Till the next!


Thank you @curatorcat!

I noticed yesterday on one of your posts that you are in the last 5% of the way to Minnowhood - I'm sure you can make it before your deadline of June 31st :)

SBI sent!

You top level people always amaze me with how engaged you are. I feel like I spend a lot of time here - you must spend tons!

Thank you for sponsoring a number @phoenixwren! 😊

You're very welcome! πŸ˜„

Thank you for all the work you do putting this together @abh12345, another great week in the books! πŸ‘πŸ‘

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @wonderwop and well done for landing on lucky 25 this week!

@abh12345, My Report Card is arrived. πŸ‘πŸ˜

Posted using Partiko Android

😁 I has indeed, well done for making it to the top 10 again this week!

Thank you brother. Have a wonderful time ahead.

Β 5 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

My sincerest congratulations to @tattoodjay, @anroja, @brittandjosie and of course also to all the other Steemians who are so very involved in this community, and thank you Asher 😊

I am happy that I made it into the top 10 this week, although I actually did not do much more than usual. I will probably never reach scores, like those in the first places, but I do not really have that in mind, because I just want to get more involved in this great community of similar thinking people, and hope that the community will grow and thrive, and the Steem will rise up to the sky.

You are very right, we all do the right job to grow this Steemit, the matter of getting a ranking is only a bonus, even though it is not our main goal

Thank you @anroja, I also see it as a bonus to be under the top engagers, but to be on this list anyway, may it be on the first place or on the last, means, that you are highly involved in the Steemit community, and that you help the community to become better and grow.

I was very visible because all this time I was not busy with my daily work.

Posted using Partiko Android

Right, it's easier, when you have more time ;)
Fortunately, I can steem at work, but work goes first. This is, why my reply is so late ;)

But this week it's like I'm already busy with my work.

As long, as you find some time in between to look on your Steemit account, and make replies or comments, I think you're doing a great job :)

Thank you for the kind message @johannpiber, a top 10 placing is an excellent result and I hope for the same things you do 😁

Thanks a lot, Asher - I hope, that we all hope for the same things :)

Mo weeks mo rewards. @steemitboard also told me this week I have hit over 9k comments and I can tell you its been this league that has kept me going at times. Just checking my weekly performance and reminding myself I actually do a fair bit of engaging.

Congrats to all this weeks prize wieners! I got a double prize this week, must be my lucky week!

Thank for the kind message @chekohler, glad to hear the EL gives you something to check and confirm you are very active and engaged. Well done on the double prize!

Congratulations to @tattoodjay and @brittandjosie, congratulations to other winners. I am very grateful because now I am still in the top three, from the number three position last week now up one level to second place. Thank you for @ abh12345 who always supports all of the Steemians.

Β 5 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

And congratulations to you thats an amazing amount of comments ;)

Yeah, I just replied to the other Steemians 'comments, so I was considered to only send spam, but I will try to be better in responding to replies to friends' comments.

Sorry if you think I was implying that, I wasn't in the least I meant the number of comments and replies total is amazing and shows your activity on here is to be applauded

Thank you, besides showing my commitment to Steemit, I have always had free time, so I am very active in giving comments

Most welcome I commute on a train for close to four hours a day so that gives me a lot of time to reply to comments and visit posts much like I am now while on the 🚞

You always have free time. I have free time a few days because my work is on strike, so I have free time to be active in this community

Great work, that's an amazing amount of comments!

Thank you, I'm glad you like it

Well done @anroja, it seems the logical position for you next week is to move up a place? 😊 Have a nice week!

For me it's just a bonus. The important thing is that I still have the passion to continue to build and develop this community together with you and other Steemians.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the prize and for hosting this beautiful league, Asher!

SBI sponsored to @redheadpei for the lucky number #22!

Congrats to all participants and winners!

Thanks so much @amico. Appreciate your generosity.

My pleasure, @redheadpei! ;)

Great job this week and doubly awesome since you sponsor a prize as well!

I'm glad for your appreciations, @phoenixwren! ^_^ Thank you so πŸ€— much!

Thank you and well done on your placing this week @amico!

Β 5 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I foresee a decline in my performance in the near future because I have to seriously study for my first year Yoga TTC exam... cheers! ^_^

Respectable placement considering I was on the high seas with the family half the week! Look for the comeback next week!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Very respectable and you landed on a lucky number too!

For whatever reason, I did not get notice of this post yesterday morning @abh12345, so I am only now getting to it. Yesterday was Mother's Day here in America, so we were off to church and then up into the high country with our family, once I left the house ...

Congratulations to this week's winners. This week’s result between @tattoodjay and @anroja was impressive! Not sure I have ever seen a closer β€œphoto finish” CEL result. Plus, there seems to be a few changes!

Like for example ... The 1 SBI share "Hot Pink" ohhh sooo close award this week goes to the prolific contributor to the Steem blockchain @tarazkp. Either he is sleeping even less these days or shifting a little focus toward commenting vs. posting. πŸ˜‰ Maybe he'll let us know which it is. Or something else ...

Sad for my PIFC community mate @bengy, who again was ohhh sooo close to the ohhh sooo close award. They moved @bengy, but no question you did your part! Remarkable consistency!! πŸ‘

And my Steemian friend @newageinv. While dropping out of the Top 10, you still managed to score very high, given you were on vacation. You must be sleeping less too … πŸ˜‰

Well, off we go into a new week. I wonder if / when STEEM will ever begin to β€œjoin in” on this major surge in the overall market …

Don't worry about that Rob, Mothers day certainly trumps what is happening on Steem.

Thank you for your hot pink sponsorship, I cannot think of anyone more suited to this colour in Taraz :)

I think all of us here are waiting with baited breath to see if STEEM is indeed going to take part in the current rally, or if we'll have to wait (like last time) for a monumental climb late in the day. I would really prefer a more stable climb so we can potentially cash out a little as we go. Whatever will be will be I guess, here's to an engaging week on Steem.

Yes @abh12345 ...

"I would really prefer a more stable climb ..."

... we definitely agree on this. Key word in there - climb ... πŸ˜‰

I am not sure to be honest which it is :D

Thanks Asher for the shout-out and for your vote! πŸ‘

And congrats to your 1000 days on the steem blockchain!!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

My pleasure - I had (as we all do) a tough decision to remove when I wanted aggroed to get back into the 20.

1000 days, how did you know before me? :D

I made a 1000-day alert script that turns all the lights red and shouts the username in the google home speaker., just a thought. :)

It was thanks to Gina. For some of the notifications, the account creation counter is included and it caught my attention when it was at 999.

heh :) All those accounts you've never heard of will be coming out of your sound system!

Well at least I have something to write about tomorrow then, cheers!

Now that was a rather pleasant surprise to brighten a gloomy weather day up. While stopped waiting in the car, I checked my steemit and boom saw that EL post was out, more surprising than that I was back in the top 20, that was the surprise. last time I was in the top 20 was back in week 51 September 30, 2018, oddly enough I was also at the 18th spot, and I don't even golf, well I used to like Tiger woods PGA Tour 2005, did pretty well in the game. I really did not think I would be back in the top 20 , I did not think I was commenting much this past week, overall score number was down, but all my other numbers were up.

Oh and thanks for the no self vote prize Asher, it is much appreciated. It is nice to see the weekly numbers are all mostly up except for the votes, and that is easy to understand, a few less votes due to people having to increase vote percentages to give a semi valuable vote I would guess. While I on the other hand had given a few 25% votes to post getting higher payouts to subsidize post getting lower payouts, I know it sucks, but what can one do. At least when steem price recovers I will be able to give out a pretty halfway decent vote.

It is nice to see new names and old names and to see people are still out here in the steem blockchain leaving comments and being sociable, I would like to thank everyone for that.

Well done for making the 20 this week!

I used to play a PGA golf game on the Amiga, lots of fun with friends.

I think you are right with your assessment of the reduced votes, that is certainly the case for me as I don't like to issue dust votes on comments, but do try to upvote all existing member comments here each round.

Cheers, have a grand week 😊

Congrats on the top 20, my friend!

As always, thank you so much!

Posted using Partiko Android

My pleasure @bozz, thanks for taking part!

Howdy sir Asher! Another very fine showing for the contest with some really good numbers. Thanks so much for putting this on and congratulations to everyone who made it onto the charts!

Hey, Janton, where ya been? Did you retire from the leagues to give us mere mortals a chance? ;)

haha! Howdy phoenixwren! Well, Mrs. J basically told me to cut back on Steemit time or cut if off completely so now I'm spending more time working on projects offline in order to maintain the peace! Thanks for checking on me, I'm still around!

Ahhhh, I see! Well hello to Mrs. J then! Peace in your home is important! :)

Yes, she is very happy that I cut back, she just wants me to cut back even more.
I could justify the time spent if the price of Steem went up though so that needs to happen! lol.

I second that! LOL

He did just that, but could return at an time!

Aw, right on!

Thank you for checking in and sponsoring your old favourite position in the EL!

My pleasure sir Asher and I hope to increase my small reward in the future!

What can I see but this:

I'm doing one for everybody! πŸ˜‰

Are you wearing your hair like this too? Epic doooo!


That wasn't a no so I'm going to assume you have epic dooo :D

Β 5 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

First off, Congratulations to all the winners! Every person listed here is a winner just by being part of this!

Secondly, I want to thank you, Asher, @abh12345 for hosting, sponsoring and keeping all of this together week after week, rewarding people for having fun.

It doesn't get any better than that. You totally rock, my friend.

Upped and Steemed


Thank you very much @dswigle :) You are always sending me these little bonuses - good encouragement to continue 'rewarding people for having fun'. Awesome! :D

This post is supported by $0.08 @tipU upvote funded by @phoenixwren :)
@tipU voting service: get instant upvotes + profit sharing tokens | For investors.

Wooop, thank you Phoenix!

Hello my dear @abh12345, great dynamic is. Please add me to the commitment league.

Thank you :) You are now on the list, welcome!

Thank you

Hi @abh12345!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 8.094 which ranks you at #18 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has not changed in the last three days.

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 166 contributions, your post is ranked at #10.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • Your follower network is great!
  • The readers appreciate your great work!
  • Good user engagement!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Sounds interesting, I would like to join the league. Still reading and learning more about itπŸ‘πŸ˜

Posted using Partiko Android

Great, I will add you to the list, welcome!

🎁 Hi @abh12345! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Happy Mother'S Day Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

🎁 Hi @abh12345! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Happy Mother'S Day Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Congrats to all Winners! πŸ˜‰

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations @abh12345!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 1 with 139 comments

πŸ† 😊

Thank you @arcange and everyone who has commentated here!

You are our champion today πŸ˜‰

You got a 30.47% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @abh12345! :)

@ocdb is a non-profit bidbot for whitelisted Steemians, current max bid is 20 SBD and the equivalent amount in STEEM.
Check our website for the whitelist, queue and delegation info. Join our Discord channel for more information.

If you like what @ocd does, consider voting for ocd-witness through SteemConnect or on the Steemit Witnesses page. :)


:O Wasn't me but thank you to whoever tried!