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This is a tricky one because doing anything stupid will get you caught. That money is dirty and you are gonna need to clean it if you ever want to use it.

Step one, hide that money. You aren't just hiding it from the cops, no one can find it. For me that spot is the attic in my house. No one else can get up there and I can stash the cash right under the insulation so even if someone goes up there they ain't finding it.

Step two is gotta be laying low. Now this doesn't mean hiding out in your grandma's basement, it more about just continuing your life as normal. Even though you got a shitload of cash, you can't touch that shit and you need to go back to your shitty ass job.

Step three is cleaning the money. You can't just suddenly have a few extra hundred grand in your account, that's suspicious as fuck. So what's the plan? We are starting a super shitty side business. Get your arts and crafts kits out because we are going to the farmer's market. Knit some bullshit scarf with a pokemon or some shit on there, head to the market, don't sell shit but when I go home I pad those numbers with all that cash from my attic.

It will take a while but I've artificially pumped up my income with the stashed cash and slowly cleaned all that money. No one knows anything besides me and I can retire early at the ripe age of 64. Life is good.

All the bank robbers that got cut did exactly that :)

@berniesanders I go to the nearest casino, put it all on Roulette Black. If I win, nice double up, if I lose, I'll just rob another bank!!

id burn half then start the real fun

then why rob the bank in the first place if you don't care about the money because this doesn't make much sense

rob it for fun

Travel to Mexico, Cocaine and hookers...... Lmfao

Step1: Rob bank
Step2: setup .onion site to sell "used" teeth
Step3: pay homeless to "obtain" teeth for me to sell on the site
Step4: pay someone to ship teeth and fill orders
Step5: sit back and get richer

First run away from there. If the police escapes than i want to invest in crypto.

Why would the police be escaping?

Because he framed the police for the robbery!


Sleep on it.

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I assume you mean that literally

I come back later and ask a sexy female victim out on a date!! I think she can t refuse ...I am be rich now..

Buy votes and get elected as the next "most honest" president!

I would spend it all powering up, so that I could stay the hole day doing technical analysis on shitty coins and posting here on steem!

@berniesanders lol! Here is my plan..

1. Run partner run!

  1. Make a fake passport, Bribe a pilot, then leave country to a remote place.

  2. Stay hidden for a couple of months at least. Hide the money here n there like pablo!

  3. Changing my face look, if I have looted world bank,I better do a plastic surgery!

  4. Avoid crowded places, cctv cameras and even relatives, friends and loved ones!

  5. Living the rest of life with a fear of being busted!

No mate! There's no bright future in that. I would rather earn money by hardwork and enjoy peaceful life. I think you will agree with that too! 😉

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I flee the country to hideout in Russia. But "in Soviet Russia, banks rob you" and I'm broke again...

Are you should you wouldn't write 'Dtube exclusive' and make a video about it to upload to dtube like yours truly used to do hahaha? (inside joke from way back hehe) how are you these days old friend? @kenanqhd

Good that this has become an inside joke between us lol
I'm doing well @kawaiicrush, good to see you around

The bank down my street got robbed and the guy got away on a bike- he was never caught. A year or two later he decided to try it again and got away again on the same bike, never to be caught. The moral of the story is, if you're going to rob a bank- do it in rural Pennsylvania.

call the cops, tell them all about it (gIvE mAnY dEtAiLs) and then at the end of telling them my plan say it was an accident

oops .

p.s: i am only 10 years old so i'm pretty sure i could rob as many banks as i want and have zero lEgAl pRoBlEmS lol

(hi this is me) NCUuzNkC_400x400.jpg

oH also i'd give them puppy eyes like this so even if i got caught they wouldnt care (:sad dog.gif

dancing onion.gifhi @berniesanders quick question, what is ur favorite fruit/vegetable?

Go to Asia be. Be A sex icon

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Walk around handing out hundred dollar bills to homeless people. :D Or, you know, a bunch of 20s so they don't get shit from suspicious people who make judgements based on looks.

On the way out I pressed a customer for their car keys. When I arrived in front of the Acura all I could think is, "Damn kid too bad I am gonna torch it when I am done."

Cruising swiftly from the scene at a smooth 100 mph down the highway while rolling the phattest blunt. Sweating bullets as the adrenaline had my heart fluttering. Oh yes! I can feel the rush of freedoms gate.

Mile after mile. Exit after exit.

Finally out to the country to destroy the evidence. A fifth of 151 Bacardi seemed like a proper send off for the vehicle that provided such a wonderful service to my livelihood.

I lit the blunt as I strolled away into the countryside. The gleaming sillouette of the flames' red hue could be seen in the rocks and bark near by.

I called the boss on my cell.

"Another job well done. I will see you soon Mr. Anders." I remarked precisely.

I hung up the phone and went to deliver the pile of cash from the robbery. Hopefully the boss is generous with his new found loot. steem so price go high so then get a lot of SP and start a new acount like @berniesanders to help minnows grow by upvoting their comments!

Then I will put all the money in my house under the soil ✌✌✌

Firstly, I will convert all my money into bitcoin and then I will go to UAE

Move to the south of the country buy bitcoin from atms that dont ask for id . scramble it . after it cools down sell that bitcone cash on craigslist

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Wait until midnight then put the bank back where you found it...

After Deposit :L:):):):) Steem + SBD

  • Sell most of the money to buy bitcoins
  • Change my look and ID
  • Grab some cash and flee to Venezuela near the border with Colombia
  • Once in Venezuela I'd buy a house with enough space to install a lot of mining rigs which I'd buy in Colombia

Once I'm safe and sound in my new place with all my mining rigs working like a charm with cheap to almost free electricity, I'd start powering up Steem, become a whale and just let the passive incomes rain.

Using bitcoin for such activity is stupid because everything is visible on the blockchain. You better convert to an anonymous privacy coin like monero

and Venezuelan authorities will track you down, confiscate your miners and arrest you for using Government subsidized electricity for personal gains. Then, while in Jail, you will find someone to make you a wife and be there bitch. Have fun!

No. I have a friends in Venezuela who own mining rigs, there are certain practices and protocols to avoid being catched by corrupt authorities and robbers. It's not illegal using subsidized electricity for personal gains, just don't rob electricity from other houses to power your rigs and you'll be fine.

Invest some money in multiple crypto so the police won't be able to track it, spend some to help homeless people on street, go to switzerland to save the rest of the money.

... Force HF 21 and get rid of RC so we can grow this platform instead of shutting the doors for newcomers.

And zoom off to lone island just like in the movies🏊‍♀️

Wait for tomorrows paper to see how much I have stolen :)

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Depends on the bank, if it was my bank I’d probably be able to afford a nice steak dinner and that’s about it.

A real bank? I’d feel really bad but playing along... I’d build a really killer home movie theater. Buy my neighbors house (they suck but have lots of good friends on the road) and turn my house into a 1 story taking up both lots. Hire someone to do the pool so I don’t have to constantly deal with it. Buy a few hundred thousand steem while it is low and put the rest into bitcoin and ride it up. Oh and I’d hire a full time chef.

Oh... simple, I got to up to someone who is crazy and tell him to bribe a politician that I hate, offer to pay them tons of money to do "the deal" for me... then use that scandal to cover up my tracks.

The rest of the money gets buried under an undisclosed home for 3 years minimum. After which I start buying monero with it, slowly but surely, until it dries up, but all over the counter.

Win/Win right there...

I most assuredly absolutely did nothing of the sort...

Well I live in the US so 1st thing go across the Canadian border.
Buy a house / compound ...
Turn my USD into Canadian Loons, route some of into crypto,
Use the rest of the money to get a hot young wife
Invest in a legal Canada 420 business
Spend the rest of the days 420 and riding the wife

Basically I would be peace out suckas

Doses and mimosas, champagne and cocaine!

Buy myself my own bank and start robbing civilians legally!

This is a fun question. The obvious answer is Steem Monsters. So many Steem Monsters. I'd buy every single Lord of Darkness. Gold Foils, Common Foils, Alpha, Beta, all of them. Then, cackling like a maniac, I'd send all the Lord of Darkness cards to @null, returning them to void.

The death deck could have no legendary. :D

Buy more STEEM and reward the meek.

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I head to the Bitcoin ATM and then cross the border to Mexico and become Pedrotiii ! Then I convert half to Steem and buy a house next to @jeffberwick.

With the money I would buy a new computer and invest in steem

Better to run else police will put behind the bars for years.

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Now its time to make a plan for next one

I flee to the forest with all the money, I burrow half of the quarry underground. For the rest I buy Bitcoins and gold. I send Bitcoins to separate wallets and fly to the Cook Islands, where I buy a small house near the beach, I live comfortably away from civilians and suspicious looks.

I change my name to Hugo

Everything was arranged for go Caribbean before robbed bank.
After robbed immediately go and pick flight and then I'll stay Coconut island with 3 or 4 sexy babies spend money with them.

That always goes through your head, especially the first time; Now what? It gets easier, and it really always comes down to one thing, the first thing: Feed the cats.

First: I'd get away with it.
Second: I'd wait until things quiet down.
Third: I'd open an account with the same bank.
Fourth: I'd slowly deposit a clean variation of those funds back into their bank just to fuck with them.

I would become the most coveted whale of steemit, hahaha

After stealing a bank, I go to a parasidiaca island to enjoy my life, food, beach, sex, music and cigars ..

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