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RE: 10 Questions

in #engagement3 years ago
  1. Best Sandwich?
    Yellow cheese and ham, toasted of a skillet.
  2. Bitcoin of Ethereum?
    Don't even beging to understand this thing
  3. Have you ever got a celebrity's autograph?
    Nope. And they keep passing away.
  4. Favorite Movie?
    Tough call. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.
  5. What is your biggest fear?
    Believing in socialism (I live in Venezuela)
  6. Favorite Song?
    Lagunillas - Ricardo Mendoza, played by El Cuarteto
  7. If money was no object, what would you do all day?
    Hakuna Matata
  8. What’s the closest thing to real magic?
    A meal made by grandma
  9. How do you want to die?
    Not sure
  10. Do you believe in aliens?
    I believe we are too dumb to be the only sentient species in the universe.