Another awesome week and another amazing job by @janton! He continues to impress week in and week out. Great work and I look forward to seeing an award or something named after you @janton! My goodness, you are truly fantastic and super consistent!
And great job again to you Asher. I'm excited that you have managed to continue grow the league and bring such amazing people here each week to check their rankings! You have filled a super important role of retention in a fairly dismal market price and for that you should definitely be commended by the people that run this place! (I shutter to think what this would be without that bond that we have established together through your league)
Keep up the great work and keep an eye of @fulltimegeek, I think he's got something brewing over there ;)
Well occasionally I like to push a comment to the top of the pile and give it a quotation for extra publicity.
Very kind of you to state this Dave, thank you.
re: FTG, does this relate to Steemmonsters by any chance? I've seen he's been collecting some cards?!
And btw, congratulation on getting to 70 REP! You are now for sure in the group of elites! ;)
You deserve every word, I'm dead serious about your contributions here!
And on FTG, I don't know (hoping you were going to find out :P ) ... I have also noticed it and it would be a awesome thing to do if that is somehow in his plans. I actually am planning something with SM myself called "Team Possible", but of course my resources are not quite the same as his!
I look very much forward to what he has planned though and I'm excited for you guys as you definitely are carrying the torch as a group here on Steemit!