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I was thinking the exact same thing, @gillianpearce. After a week of holidays, I'm still in 35th place... All I can do is nod my head in a sad way and think of the good, old days when @glenalbrethsen, @janton or @lynncoyle1 were Kings and Queen of the EL.

Hey, @simplymike.

re: the good old days

I have to smile when I'm thought of in conjunction with good old days, especially with the company you lit me in. Never could match either of them in the amount of commenting they did, even with all the time I had on my hands.

Thanks for the walk down memory lane, though. It's nice to be remembered. I suppose there is a statement as to where STEEM is as a whole, particularly in engagement based on where we all placed with our outputs compared to where we might have been over a year ago with those same numbers. I guess we just keep plugging along and see what happens. :)

Thank you @gillianpearce! While it was a big surprise to me, I too am thinking how it was when I first joined and @glenalbrethsen couldn't be knocked off the top. Oh, the difference a few months makes.

Wait til STEEM is $10, i'm sure we'll see some bigger numbers :)

Hey, @dswigle.

Congratulations again (I already mentioned it in my comment to Asher, but hey, can't hurt to say it more than once. :)

I haven't been mentioned this much since I was atop the engagement league, which has been well over a year ago (though I did make it up there once in April or May this year).

Even so, it hasn't been that long ago, and yet it feels like even more time has passed, simply because of all of the changes, the numbers of users who are no longer here or curtailing their time on STEEM. I miss those days quite a bit.

Hey, @gillianpearce.

What a pleasant surprise to be remembered, let alone mentioned. Of course, it would be you. :) A bit of reminiscing, eh? My dominance was pretty short lived compared to others, but it's cool to look back well over a year and think of what was. As it stands, it won't be again, not while I'm working. I needed all the time I had to do what I did. I don't know how anyone else can, unless they type five times faster than I do (which is entirely possible by the way).